NEWSFrom Lebanon ... Maat participates in the 2nd phase of the capacity-building program for women's organizations in the Middle East and North Africa
NEWS, Studies, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat Association implements youth, peace, and security activity
NEWS, Session-41, Training, Human Rights CouncilThe activities of the training course on international mechanisms began
NEWSMaat at the Education in Africa Forum: We do not have the luxury of time to develop African education
NEWSWith the aim of strengthening capacities in the field of human rights-related mechanisms and following up on the sustainable development goals
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewThe Eastern Youth Association and the Maat Foundation are organizing an introductory seminar on the UPR
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewMaat concludes the fifth training workshop for media professionals in the Canal region, Sinai and East Delta
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewThe training program for building the capacity of media professionals on the universal periodic review begins its second phase with a training workshop in Ain Sokhna
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewAn invitation to participate in the second phase of the training program
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewMaat concludes the largest and first of its kind training program for NGOs on the Universal Periodic Review