NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewThe coalition calls on the Minister of Environment to enforce the law and eliminate the "death industry" in the governorate
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewThe UPR convoys follow Helwan's suffering from environmental pollution through a visit to the Suez Cement Factory
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewMaat calls for an end to violations of the right to health of Helwan citizens
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewThe Policy Analysis Unit at Maat Foundation issues a new policy paper on early marriage
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewThe absence of basic health services threatens the lives of the citizens of the New Valley
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewMaat put forward a draft law for comprehensive social health insurance
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, StudiesThe Policy Analysis Unit at Maat Foundation issues a new paper entitled Improving the Level of Health Services in Egypt
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, StudiesThe Policy Analysis Unit of the Maat Foundation issues its first papers, "A vision for reforming the health insurance system in Egypt"