NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewMaat holds the first community dialogue sessions to discuss Egypt's recommendations
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, Video, Human Rights CouncilMaat leads a wide UN campaign to save an Egyptian detainee in Qatar
NEWS, Session-39, Video, Human Rights CouncilOral intervention. Article 5 - Acts of intimidation and retaliation
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, Session-39, Human Rights CouncilClimate change threatens the right to life
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, Session-39, Human Rights CouncilAt the United Nations headquarters in Geneva on the sidelines of the 39th session of the Human Rights Council
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, Session-39, Human Rights CouncilMaat recommends that the United Nations provide aid to victims of contemporary slavery
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, Session-39, Human Rights CouncilMaat and the International Coalition participate in the work of the 39th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, Session-38, Human Rights CouncilMaat conference to assess the work of the 38th session of the Human Rights Council and the preparations for the 39th session
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, VideoAqeel reviews a working paper entitled Towards a true partnership for sustainable development
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, Session-38, Human Rights CouncilMaat discusses the human rights situation in Eritrea in a meeting with the relevant expert
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, Session-38, Video, Human Rights CouncilStrengthening African mechanisms to protect human rights
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, Session-38, Human Rights CouncilMaat and the International Alliance meet with the office of the Special Rapporteur on the right to water
Reports, The Universal Periodic Review The fourth report to monitor and follow up on the Egyptian government's progress in implementing the 2014 UPR recommendations