Training, NEWSMaat Concludes the Third Version of its Training Program on "Educating Migrants on Egyptian Laws"
Reports, NEWSMaat Releases the Fifth Issue of the SDG 13 Observatory in the Arab Region "Arab Youth: Outstanding Efforts to Combat Climate Change"
PUBLICATIONS, NEWS, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat launches the initiative “Interlocutors from Early Childhood"
NEWS, Studies, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat Association implements youth, peace, and security activity
Studies, Combating hate speech and violent extremism“From Saying to Doing”: Youth, Peace and Security Agenda & its Application in the Arab Region With Egypt as a Model
NEWS, Session-41, Human Rights CouncilThe suffering of women in Qatar and Iran is at the table of the Human Rights Council in Geneva
NEWS, Session-41, Training, Human Rights CouncilThe activities of the training course on international mechanisms began
NEWSMaat participates in a European program to support societal peace and reject hate speech and extremism
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewMaat holds the first community dialogue sessions to discuss Egypt's recommendations
NEWSMaat at the Education in Africa Forum: We do not have the luxury of time to develop African education