The Universal Periodic Review, StudiesTrafficking in women ... Characterization and a vision to fill legislative gaps
NEWS, Improving DemocracyMaat: Parliament committees elections are an embodiment of negative discrimination against women
The Universal Periodic Review, In the pressMaat issues a paper to besiege domestic violence against women
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewThe Policy Analysis Unit at the Maat Foundation issues a new paper to besiege domestic violence against women
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewThe Civil Society Organizations Coalition for the Show is in solidarity with Our Lady of Minya
NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewMaat concludes with the play “Horus UPR” and honors the heroes of the human rights works
NEWS, Reports, Improving DemocracyMaat Foundation offers a different reading of the first phase of the parliamentary elections
The Universal Periodic Review, PUBLICATIONS, StudiesRecommendations submitted to Egypt during the UPR 2014