NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, VideoMaat calls on the Egyptian government to quickly accomplish the achievement of Goal 11 of its goals
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, Session-39, Human Rights CouncilClimate change threatens the right to life
NEWSMaat at the Education in Africa Forum: We do not have the luxury of time to develop African education
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, VideoAqeel reviews a working paper entitled Towards a true partnership for sustainable development
NEWSMaat participates in the inauguration of the Sustainable Development Forum and presents an intervention in the symposium of sustainable societies in Saudi Arabia
NEWSIn the context of the Integration and Rehabilitation project's closing conference More than 3,000 beneficiaries of the implemented project in collaboration between MAAT and DROSOS Foundations
NEWSThe Integration and Rehabilitation Project's Community Committees Appeal to the Minister of Social Solidarity to amend the Ministerial Decree No. 209/2014
NEWS, Improving DemocracyThe Presidency of the Egyptian National Network concludes the second meeting of the network in 2014 entitled "Supporting the role of the national network in promoting the culture of dialogue - experiences and experiences"
NEWSPsychodrama – an entrance to modify the behaviors of prisoners and detainees children involved in the Integration and Rehabilitation project