Maat's team works continuously and sustainably to promote the model of free and fair elections that are compatible with internationally recognized rules at the local, regional and international levels. It also seeks to have the Egyptian and Arab citizens in particular possess awareness and ability to access their electoral rights, as well as it seeks to promote the values of dialogue, citizenship and acceptance of the other and democratic practice.
Monitoring electoral processes at the regional and international levels
During the past years, the Maat Foundation participated in the follow-up of the general elections in several countries, including Tunisia, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, and the United States of America, and cooperated in this with several regional and international institutions and networks.
Follow-up of electoral processes at the local level
Moreover, elections are not an end in themselves but rather a mechanism to ensure the fulfillment of the principle of “people are the source of authority”. Therefore, the integrity, freedom, fairness, and effectiveness of these elections must be guaranteed, which falls within the experience of Maat team, who formed a number of local and international alliances to follow the Egyptian electoral processes .
Joint international mission to follow up on the House of Representatives elections
Egypt 2020
The international mission to follow up the referendum on constitutional amendments
Egypt 2019
Presidential Election Observatory
Egypt 2018
The joint international local mission to follow up the Egyptian parliamentary elections
Egypt 2015
The joint mission to monitor the referendum on the Egyptian constitution
January 2014
Program to support popular election monitoring
2012 – 2020
Network of elections in the Arab world
2006 – 2013
Alliance for Monitoring and Participation
Participating in establishing the Egyptian Independent Election Monitoring Committee
Electoral education
Through its activities and effectiveness, Maat Foundation is keen on raising citizen awareness of the right voting mechanisms and urging youth to political participation, which increases the rates of effective participation of citizens and their influence and representation in governance structures, decision-making processes and awareness campaigns.
- "For Your knowledge" Campaign
- Project so that your voice cannot be missed (1,2,3)
- Electoral awareness campaign for Egyptian youth
- "The Voter Voice" Project
- "Capacity Building for the Development of Youth Political Participation" Program
Community dialogue for members of parliament
In this context, Maat implemented one of its projects with funding from the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) during 2007/2008, and aimed to open a dialogue between citizens and parliamentarians. Urging MPs to use their tools of oversight in adopting the issues that came out of the hearings that the project held between parliamentarians and citizens.
Supporting Decentralization and Good Governance
Supporting and Strengthening Legislative, Executive and Public Decentralization
Maat is working to reform the legislative systems governing local administration.
Maat emphasizes on spreading societal awareness among citizens of the concept, importance and dimensions of decentralization.
Maat contributes to increasing the participation of the most marginalized local groups, especially women and youth, in local decision-making.