NEWS, Improving DemocracyAfter the fall of the regime, using the peaceful methods guaranteed by human rights conventions and the constitution, “reform” calls on the armed forces to preserve rights and freedoms during the transitional phase
NEWS, Improving DemocracyAn independent government, dissolving the People's Assembly and suspending demonstrations are prerequisites for getting out of the crisis. Maat provides guidance to citizens to organize the work of the people's committees
NEWSMaat condemns the government's negligent position and the actions of the intruders among the demonstrators. We call on the demonstrators to emphasize the peacefulness of the demonstrations and confront acts of sabotage in cooperation with the army
NEWSReading in what happened Event of January 25, is a natural result of gap between words and performance of Egyptian government
NEWSIn the fifth and sixth discussion sessions, the Community Giving Reach Project fulfills the requirement for participation
NEWSMaat continues to hold seminars for citizens, the problems of garbage and the prevention of planting rice and the sewage canal, the most prominent problems in the classroom and Belbeis
NEWSCitizen's Voice activities continue and a new success of the project Maat holds a panel discussion in Al-Tebeen, and sponsors the first official meeting between popular councils and civil organizations
NEWSIn the fourth panel discussion for women and girls in the project, access to purchasing a literacy certificate is easier than learning to read and write
NEWSTraining workshop in Qena and a seminar in Luxor within the framework of the Citizen Voice Project. Members of local councils seek more participation in approving the local development plan.
NEWSThe second round table in the Wusool project reveals the reluctance of women to public life, which is the main reason for their weak political participation
NEWSThe first round table of the People’s Access Quota Project is a golden opportunity to increase women's participation in localities
NEWSMaat concludes the training program for local media professionals on decentralization, developed local media, as a condition of sound decentralization
NEWSMaat holds the third training workshop for local media professionals in Qena and Luxor, calling for the expansion of the training program for local media professionals.