NEWS, Improving DemocracyWomen are half of society ... and raise the other half Where are the service provided by local government bodies to women? Leakage of the Students from Education!!!! The most important problems of Hawamdia and Badrasheen
NEWS, Improving DemocracyMaat holds a workshop to improve the local administration system.... Past experiences and future aspirations
NEWS, Training, Improving DemocracyIn order to strengthen the role of the mass media in calling for decentralization, Maat holds a training workshop for journalists and media professionals
NEWS, Improving DemocracyThe outcomes of the workshop "Towards more Supportive Legislative Framework of Decentralization" an independent chapter for local system in the constitution along with expanded authorities for the elected councils, and governors by appointment
NEWS, Improving DemocracyTop of Form In conjunction with the Constituent Assembly meetings, Maat holds a workshop to discuss the legislative frameworks of the local administration
NEWS, Improving DemocracyMaat begins its implementation in cooperation with DROSOS of Switzerland the project “Integrated protection for the families of prisoners and detainees”
NEWS, Improving DemocracyThe Anniversary of Revolution of January 25 Maat publishes a special issue of the magazine "Voice of the Citizen"
NEWS, Training, Improving DemocracyThe need to deepen the democratic path and activate the role of the judiciary
NEWS, Training, Improving DemocracyThe Need to Broaden the Base of Participation and Awareness Campaigns
NEWS, Improving DemocracyMaat" requests from the Military Council a decree to make the sorting inside the sub-committees
NEWS, Improving DemocracyOngoing Parliamentary Elections Weak turnout in the Run-off Continue of Propaganda despite of the Supreme Committee ban for its u
NEWS, Improving DemocracyTo avoid invalidating of your voice in Sharqia Four workshops awaring youth and leaders