About (50) thousand citizens in village of Alqbabat, Atfih province are not satisfied with quality and adequacy of drinking water and distrust of its validity for use; however, they suffer from high cost. This is revealed by seminar convened by Maat of Peace, Development and Human Rights in Alqbabat village on Thursday, August 11, 2011, in the framework of project "Improving economic and social rights" Empowerment ", funded by French Cultural Center in Cairo. "Empowerment" seeks to provide community-based mechanisms to enable citizens to access their rights regarding clear drinking water and safe sanitation services, by adopting rights-based approach, qualifying influential community-based stakeholders and confirming this approach during their participation in local decision-making. Seminar began with explaining human rights standards to get clean drinking water and safe sanitation, as the first is water supply should be sufficient for each person for personal and domestic uses. The second standard is validity, as water should be safe, and free from microorganisms, chemicals and risk radiation that pose a threat to the health. , As water, should have an acceptable color, odor and taste. The third standard is possibility of access to water, as water facilities and services are available for all groups of the population. It must be possible to access to adequate, safe and acceptable water within each household, security of individuals should not at risk during access to water facilities and services. The fourth standard is economic accessibility to water, everyone should be able to afford water and water facilities and services, and bear direct and indirect costs and fees associated with securing water. During the seminar, an explanation provided about mechanisms of management of water sector in Egypt and agencies responsible for realization of the right to water for all citizens , companies of drinking water and sanitation , the Ministry of Housing, and then Egyptian water regulatory agency. In second part of seminar, a public debate was opened with participants about problems of drinking water and sanitation at the center of Atfih, as participants pointed to a number of vital problems affecting in this aspect. One of main problems raised by participants; problem of water cut and water low pressure, which led to deprivation of large parts of villages from water service for many hours a day, which officials attributed that to only one water station feeding Atfih province with capacity of 600 thousand meters and was established in 2000. While province needs more than 800 thousand meters to meet citizens needs. Participants presented and discussed problem of water low quality caused by worn out and deterioration of water tubes and their interaction with water that affecting quality, as well as depriving most parts of province of sanitation services, which led to high ground water in most villages and its negative effects on buildings, land and public health. Participants also pointed to problem of water wasting through illicit use and illegal networks, and demanded implementation of campaigns to raise awareness of seriousness of this problem. It is expected that Maat would include all these problems in its report to be prepared about right to drinking water and sanitation, which will be published on decision-makers, media and stakeholders. It will be working with NGOs in Atfih and government agencies at central level in order to provide financial resources investment to develop sustainable solutions to problems of water and sanitation in Atfih.
shortlink: https://maatpeace.org/en/?p=30451