Somalia is a displacement disaster

(Violent floods, armed conflict, a crippled economy, and desert locust swarms, in addition to the threat of the Corona pandemic) threaten the safety of up to 2.6 million displaced people in Somalia.According to L.To the High Commissioner for Refugees.

Since the beginning of the year 2020, # displaced persons in # Somalia have been subjected to successive strikes. There are more than 220,000 Somalis have been internally displaced since the beginning of the year, of whom 137,000 are due to conflict. Meanwhile, natural and climate-related disasters displaced about 90,000 people, with additional displacements expected. # desert locust swarms threaten to undermine crop yields and cause widespread food shortages. Despite all these disasters, # Somalia Youth Movement did not hesitate to carry out its operations.

However, the spread of the # Coronavirus refuses to deepen the suffering of these displaced people, as most of those who number about 2.6 million They live in #, crowded settlements and it is almost impossible to carry out physical distancing, in addition to that it is rare to have clean water sufficient to drink or wash hands, which are the conditions for widespread transmission of the Coronavirus.


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