The Policy Analysis Unit at Maat Foundation issues a new policy paper on early marriage

The Policy Analysis Unit at Maat Foundation issues a new policy paper on early marriage

The Policy Analysis Unit at Maat Foundation issues a new policy paper on early marriage

Intensifying penalties and creating new articles in the Child Law criminalizing the phenomenon and providing support to victims of early marriage are the most prominent recommendations


 Unit issued "Public Policy Analysis and Human Rights" Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights, a new policy paper entitled Early marriage: between legal reality and actual practices, And that under The project "The Universal Periodic Review as a Tool to Improve Public Policies during the Transition", Which is implemented by the Foundation with funding from the European Union during 2016-2017.

The paper discussed a number of axes related to the phenomenon of early marriage, which is one of the most serious social problems that harm Egypt's international reputation and represent a threat to society and development factors. It is also considered one of the most important social and cultural features of many rural and non-urban areas.

The paper analyzed the concept of early marriage and its causes, the legislative and legal framework that governs the phenomenon of early marriage, statistics of early marriage in Egypt, and the most important damages resulting from the phenomenon of early marriage.

The paper came out with a set of recommendations, the most prominent of which is to tighten penalties in various laws to prevent and criminalize early marriage. The paper also recommended providing awareness programs in various media outlets to work on changing the cultural perspective of parents and children within society and raising awareness of the danger of the phenomenon on society, in addition to setting up programs Supporting girls within an economic plan by allocating a cash fund to support girls who belong to poor families, and finally, for the government and security community organizations to work together, to provide material and moral support for girls who have suffered from the harms of early marriage to reintegrate them into society.

Please visit the following link to view the complete paper 


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