Terrorism Reports Covers Page 17 scaled

The parliamentary elections Observatory issues the17th report of bombing and violence incidents A relative reduction in the violence incidents and the continuing high violence incidents rates in Sinai

In the framework of the Parliamentary Elections' Observatory affiliated to the International-Local joint Mission to observe the parliamentary elections – Egypt 2015, The 17th report to monitor incidents of violence and terrorism and their indications related to the electoral process during the period from 24h to30th April 2015 has been issued, the bombing and violence incident s witnessed a minor reduction comparing with the last two week. The report observed 88 terrorist crime during the week, it also monitored the continuing focused to the most of the terrorist operations in North Sinai governorate, in the context of it s analyses the indications of this incidents, the Observatory highlighted the following points -: • A minor reduction in the violence and bombing incidents rates where this week witnessed 88 violence incidents, for 99 violence incidents in the last week, with almost 11% reduction. • Continued escalating the violence incidents rates in North Sinai governorate, in conjunction with the extension of the emergency state imposed on some region in the governorate for the third time in row, where its share of the violence incidents was 34 incidents from the total 88 incidents by almost 39%. • A relative stability in targeting Army, police and their facilities rates over the last two weeks, the most of the operation focused in North Sinai governorate. • A significant decrease in targeting citizens gathering places rates than the last week by 32 incidents for 42 incidents in the last week. • A significant decrease also in targeting the civilian facilities and utilities, which scored 17 incidents comparing with 26 incidents in the last week. • The phenomenon of targeting justice systems and courts was returned this week by 3 violence incidents. • Diminishing the scope of the bombings and violence incidents were witnessed by the various provinces, where they were spread in 16 provinces, for 19 provinces in the last week, with North Sinai governorate continued in the head of the provinces witnessing terrorist activities. It is worth mentioning that ,the International-Local joint mission to observe the parliamentary election –Egypt 2015, is a coalition consist of the Global Network for Rights and Development - GNRD (Norway) and the International Institute for Peace, Justice and Human Rights – IIPJHR (Switzerland), along with a key local partner represented in MAAT for Peace, Development and Human Rights (MAAT) addition to 31 local Organization.


A translated copy of the report


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