Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights mourns two Egyptian soldiers from the United Nations_United Nations-# Force in Mali; They were killed after an attack by armed men near the town of "Tarkent", northeast of "Gao", the largest city in northwestern Mali #.
The Maat Foundation affirms the recommendation of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, that "all efforts should be unified to identify those responsible for these terrorist attacks that amount to the crimes of Scorpion and to arrest them in order to bring them to justice."
It is worth noting that the United Nations deploys a peacekeeping mission in Mali known as “MINUSMA”, which includes 13,000 soldiers from several countries. The country is also witnessing, despite the signing of a peace agreement in 2015 with separatists in the north, acts of violence by jihadist groups, amidst societal tensions, fueled by these groups.
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