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Maat calls for the establishment of an observatory to combat terrorism and extremism in Africa


 On the sidelines of the 64th session of the African Commission, Maat holds its second symposium

Okeil:We call for the establishment of an observatory to combat terrorism and extremism in Africa

Henry: Transnational crime impedes the achievement of Goal 16 ...

Easter: Africa has become a theater for extremist groups

On the sidelines of the work of the 64th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, which will hold its work in Sharm El-Sheikh from April 24 to May 14, 2019; Today, the Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights held its second symposium under the title “Transnational Crime and Obstructing Goal 16”, in cooperation with its international and regional civil society partners: United Cities Agency for North-South Cooperation (international), the Gals International Forum (Uganda), the Regional Council for Development and International Cooperation (Uganda), and the Partners Foundation for Transparency (Egypt).

The symposium discussed organized criminal activities; Such as cross-border terrorism, migrant smuggling and human trafficking, and its impact on achieving Goal 16 of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. During this seminar, Ayman Aqil, President of the Maat Foundation, and Henry Orikot, Head of the Regional Center for Development and International Cooperation in Uganda, moderated the seminar, Esther Nambuka, Executive Director, Seated Forum International Uganda.

During the symposium, Aqil called for the necessity of establishing an observatory to combat terrorism and extremism in Africa to monitor the development of this phenomenon and the extent of its exacerbation in regions without others, and to assist it through the experiences of African countries that have succeeded in the confrontation. He talked about the increase in human trafficking in Africa, and added that markets had been uncovered in Libya to sell African migrants as slaves.

“Armed conflicts throughout the continent are the main reason for the increase in all forms of transnational crimes, which lead to large waves of immigration and asylum and the accompanying trafficking in persons, especially women and children,” said Henry Oricot, noting that the cultural and social climate facilitates the spread of these crimes. .

Easter Nambuka indicated that Africa is becoming a large theater for extremist groups, and terrorism is taking on more organized forms and adopting an expansionist perspective; He works to establish regional alliances, through which he can achieve his interests.

The speakers recommended the necessity of coordination between African countries at the military and information levels to confront terrorist and armed organizations, and to provide support to countries in order to confront these organizations. They also demanded the formation of a committee for research and information covering the forms and root causes of human trafficking, and the establishment of centers for the rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking.

This symposium comes within the framework of the Foundation's interest in the human rights situation in Africa, especially since Maat is the North African coordinator in the group of major non-governmental organizations in Africa, a member of the General Assembly of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOC), and the head of the Egyptian National Chapter of the African Union .



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