Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights condemns the poor situation suffered by many of the # women in government training camps in #, South-Sudan.
The ex-female fighters joined government forces, among the tens of thousands of people who trained as a unified security force in what was supposed to be a major step in the 2018 peace agreement.
Maat Foundation believes that the conditions in the camps and training centers currently are dire, especially with the expiration of food supplies or theft due to corruption.
The Maat Foundation also believes that women are at greater risk than men, as many of them were raped while out in search of water or wood. And that threat remains.
The Maat Foundation is concerned about the unsuitable conditions for women at the Pannier Training Center at # Bor, which hosts more than 1,800 people, and in which it is difficult to transport women to the city to receive appropriate treatment, while there is not enough medicine to treat any of the sexually transmitted diseases. Some women are pregnant, and they rarely have the opportunity to undergo medical examinations.
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