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Maat participates in a symposium on child Soldiers: Impunity prevails!

Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights participated in a symposium on "Promoting and Protecting Children's Rights in Conflict Areas: Case of Child Soldiers", in cooperation with The Independent Commission for Human Rights in North Africa and the African Meeting for the Defense of Human Rights.

Child recruitment image.jpg e1655298542864Abdelrahman Basha, Director of the Sustainable Development Unit at Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights, stated that the recruitment of child soldiers is largely due to non-compliance with international and regional covenants on combating child recruitment despite the joining of most countries to these agreements. Basha added that the challenge of the lack of updated data on Africa must be tackled, allowing for a real addressing without leaving anyone behind. The impunity that prevails in many cases should not be the reality even with the end of the conflict, Basha stressed.

It is worth noting that the symposium dealt with the weakness of the problem of protecting children in armed conflict in order to identify and strengthen experiences of good practices to better strengthen partnership on the ground in order to make the regional protection mechanism more efficient, in accordance with regional and international agreements.

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