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Maat participates in the 106th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey.

In conjunction with the commemoration of the 106th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights participated in the conference held in the Armenian capital Yerevan, where the conference dealt with the violations that Armenians were subjected to during the recent war launched by Azerbaijan against Armenia in September 2020.
The conference discussed the repercussions of this recent war on all parties, especially since it is the fiercest of its kind, as the conflict around Nagorno-Karabakh dates back to 1988 and was renewed later in 2016, but the revival of the war was seen by the attendees as a continuation of the policies of the Armenian genocide by the Turks, and it is internationally recognized that they support the Azerbaijani side and supply it with weapons. And mercenaries.
In the event of an intensification of the fighting and its repercussions on the humanitarian level, the IHL unit in the Foundation took care to participate in the conference in cooperation with a number of local and foreign organizations, headed by the Peace Makers and Development Forum, in the presence of a group of policy makers, stakeholders, a number of civil society organizations and eyewitnesses From the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
Norhan Mustafa, Director of the International Humanitarian Law Unit, explained that during that war Articles 2, 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute were violated and violated, as well as the International Convention against the Recruitment and Training of Mercenaries and the First Additional Protocol on the Protection of Civilian Objects. Ayman Akil, President of Maat Foundation and Regional Coordinator of the Peace Makers and Development Forum, stressed the importance of international recognition of the Armenian genocide in addition to searching for realistic solutions to solve the conflict from its roots, stressing that this cannot happen without stopping external interference in the conflict and supporting peaceful dialogue between the parties. Only concerned local.


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