Maat recalls the need to establish a permanent national committee to follow up on the results of the universal periodic review
Aqeel: Parliament must hold the government accountable for what it has accomplished a year after adopting its report, and the government must begin its work after obtaining parliament’s confidence in forming a committee
Aqeel: Only good intentions do not guarantee a commitment to implementing the recommendations ... and the committee is a meaningful message
Eleven months have passed since the adoption of Egypt's report before the universal periodic review mechanism in March 2015, in which the Egyptian government accepted 223 recommendations and supported them fully out of 300 recommendations that were submitted to it by the United Nations Human Rights Council member states, also partially endorsed 24 recommendations and rejected 23 recommendations and took note of 29 recommendations and considered one of them inaccurate, and by extension voluntarily committed to implementing those recommendations, in a step that revealed to a large extent a positive trend for the Egyptian state that is in line with a political discourse affirming the establishment of the foundations of a democratic civil state that respects the rights of its citizens.
Despite this, Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights reminds the Presidency, Parliament and the Egyptian government that whatever measure has been announced, but that has not yet been taken, is the formation of a permanent committee to follow up the implementation of the UPR recommendations for Egypt.
Maat Foundation believes that the formation of this committee will represent a goodwill gesture required of the Egyptian state institutions, as it will allow the creation of an effective mechanism to follow up the results of the universal periodic review, and to measure the extent of periodic progress in Egypt's commitment to its commitments, in addition to the good opportunity that the committee will provide for coordination between ministries and various bodies. Concerned with the issues subject to the recommendations, therefore the Foundation calls for the following: -
1- The Egyptian government should start its immediate work to obtain the confidence of Parliament by issuing a decision to form a permanent national committee to follow up the results of the universal periodic review, provided that the committee includes in its membership representatives of the relevant ministries, representatives of the National Council for Human Rights, as well as representatives of civil society organizations actively participating in The UPR process.
2 - That the Egyptian parliament seize the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the adoption of the Egypt report at the second session of the review, and clearly requests the government to present a comprehensive report on the measures it has taken to implement the recommendations of the UPR 2014. Its oversight role to include this important issue.
3- The permanent national committee to be formed must adhere to clear procedures in its meetings, with the issuance of documented and periodic reports and data related to progress in implementing recommendations, as well as the need for it to be open to civil society and non-governmental stakeholders.
The reform of the human rights system, and commitment to the international obligations of any state, is not only achieved with good intentions or political rhetoric, but it requires effective mechanisms, channels and means for coordination and integration between the components of the state concerned with human rights affairs, and it also requires cooperation and an open and sustainable dialogue between the government and parliament on the part of civil society organizations. The active human rights forces on the other hand, and the committee that calls for Maat to expedite its establishment, will be a vivid expression, and a message that has a meaning that the Egyptian state is moving in this direction.
This initiative comes within the framework of the implementation of the Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights, which has a consultative status in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, of the project “The universal periodic review as a tool to improve public policies during the transitional period,” funded by the European Union over the years 2016-2017. Which mainly focuses on following up the Egyptian state’s implementation of its obligations before the universal periodic review during the second session of the review 2014, by building the capacity of leaders of civil society organizations, media professionals and internet activists to follow up the implementation of recommendations and write reports related to the review in order to raise community awareness and support the state to implement the recommendations that have committed Out in front of the mechanism.
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