In light of the results of the first universal periodic review convoy conducted by the Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights for the New Valley Governorate last May, the Foundation detected a problem related to the revival and marketing of traditional and heritage industries in the governorate, which carries cultural legacies specific to the oasis region, the most important of which is the ceramics, pottery and arabesque industry. And the manufacture of kilims, carpets and the manufacture of oasis uniforms.
According to the information available to Maat Foundation, and based on discussions with a large number of those in charge of handicraft training centers, marketing fairs, professionals and officials in the governorate, the problem of the extinction of handicraft, heritage and traditional industries is summarized in the following points: -
- The wicker industry faces obstacles that would lead to the demise and extinction of that profession, the most important of which is that it is limited to the elderly and the elderly who practice it inside their homes to a limited number in remote villages.
The ceramics and pottery industry, which is considered one of the traditional legacies and professions for which the people of the oases and the New Valley have been famous since ancient times, and which depend on local raw materials represented in the child that is obtained from the mountains, is at risk of extinction due to the absence of any national plan to support this industry with regard to In production and marketing, in addition to the lack of financial return from the craft that pushes its workers to abandon it.
- The futility of the training courses implemented by the various training centers due to the inability to benefit from the training in starting micro-projects or marketing the products that the trainees produce in a manner that guarantees an appropriate and lasting financial return.
- The current crisis in tourism has caused a stagnation in the marketing of heritage products in the New Valley, as tourists are the first consumers of these products, which led to a significant decline in the production of these industries.
- The absence of innovative and international marketing plans has caused a decline in the production of heritage industries and is currently threatening their extinction, although the New Valley Governorate is distinguished by a unique set of oases inscriptions and drawings that add a special character to its heritage products, knowing that the demand for these products is very high during international exhibitions in particular.
Women and youth are considered the most working groups in these industries, and accordingly, the demise of these industries threatens one of the basic industries on which women depend, especially with the possibility of working from home in the production of some products.
All these problems together lead to the creation of obstacles in the way of preserving traditional and heritage industries and providing job opportunities, especially for women and youth, which contradicts a number of recommendations accepted by the Egyptian state during the second session of the UPR in March 2015, the most important of which were:
1) Recommendation No. 166-255, submitted by Senegal, which states “to promote vocational training in order to enhance the speed of integration of young graduates into the workforce”.
2) Recommendations No. 166-79, submitted by the United Arab Emirates, 166-87, submitted by Cuba, 166-88, submitted by India, 166-89, submitted by Mauritania, which states: “Continue to provide support to women in the economic field”, Keeping her interest focused on empowering women economically, "Continuing programs and policies aimed at empowering women economically", "Continuing the economic empowerment of women."
3) Recommendations No. 166-53, submitted by Uzbekistan, and Recommendation No. 166-54, submitted by Oman, which states: “Expanding social programs to promote youth employment”, “Make more efforts to create job opportunities for young people, by taking measures Necessary ”.
4) Recommendation No. 166-256, submitted by South Africa, states: “Effective implementation of the comprehensive national strategy to address unemployment in the short and long term, including investment in skills development”.
5) Recommendations No. 166-259, submitted by Tajikistan, 166-260, submitted by Bhutan, 166-261, submitted by Equatorial Guinea and stipulating: “Take measures to reduce unemployment, especially among young people, and enhance their integration into the social and political life of the country with a view to Maintaining and enhancing its stability and security, ”“ continuing its efforts to confront unemployment in the short and long term, in consultation with the private sector and education service providers, ”“ continuing to implement its comprehensive national strategy aimed at confronting unemployment in the short and long term. ”
In light of this, the Maat Foundation appeals to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Tourism and the Minister of Culture, to develop a national plan to revive the handicrafts and heritage industries in the border governorates, including the New Valley, North and South Sinai, and Aswan, provided that this plan includes basic components that include training and rehabilitation, Recruitment, and marketing.