Post 35 scaled

Corona may lead to the decline of the second goal of the sustainable development goals in Zimbabwe

# Zimbabwe is at risk of increasing food shortages, due to the arrival of the # Corona virus in the country experiencing the worst drought in nearly four decades.

If hundreds of millions of dollars are not saved in the coming months, more than half of the population could go hungry. The government ban imposed to stop the spread of the virus, from The economic crisis that the country is going through due to an acute shortage of foreign currency and energy supplies, along with drought.

The Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights recommends more African support to the State of Zimbabwe through the African Union Center for Disease Control, and allocating more humanitarian aid to address the current and upcoming food shortages; As a way to achieve the second goal of #_sustainable Development 2030, the total elimination of # hunger.

# Maat_africa365Day


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