Freedom Workshop for the Protection of Rights and Freedoms 18 12 06 5


A number of jurists, politicians and representatives of the civil community organizations and of the different political parties called, in a national unanimity, upon denouncing all forms of violence and terrorism and upon adopting new policies in dealing with the issues of general rights and freedoms of the civilians, instead of talking about more restrictions put down by the authority.
The participants in Maat Center's workshop about ' protecting rights and freedoms between the Emergency Law and Terrorism Combating Law', expressed, in the conclusion of the Center's program ' Freedom For All', their anxiety towards the policies of the current government which wants to pass a new law for combating terrorism without a serious study of the effects of activating the Emergency Law for more than 26 years on general rights and freedoms in Egypt , under the umbrella of group of laws whose interest is only to establish the security values and enhance the role of the security institution at the expense of other state institutions and of respecting rights and freedoms, and this leads to retreating the index of democracy and development and the going up of the index of corruption. This is one of the main reasons behind the breaking out of terrorism that becomes very difficult to identify, define or limit the crimes committed in its context, under the universal and local neglecting of its real reasons.
This was included in the speech of the Center's manager, Mr. Ayman Okail, which he delivered in the opening session of the workshop, after he reviewed the achievements of the Center during a whole year, through its campaign that carries the motto "Freedom for All". In this campaign, the Center was able to offer the possible help for those whose rights are violated, especially the political detainees. In the context of this campaign, the center has received more than 250 cases of the detainees' families, through which the Center realized the reality oh their situations under the absence of the institutional role of the state towards the suffering of these sinless people.
At the ending of the opening speech delivered by Mr. Ayman Okail, he declared that the aim behind the framework is to discuss the question of the extent of the Egyptian community's need for new law for terrorism and of the identity of the actual guarantees that must be included in this law if its passing is an accomplished fact to gain the legal legitimacy.
Dr. Saad El Deen Ibrahem, the manager of Ibn Khaldon Center for Developmental Studies, begins his speech by assuring that struggle is the only way to obtain rights and freedoms. He added that the base in all the constitutions is to restrict the authorities of the governor, and this is lacking in the Egyptian constitution since after 1923constitution and 1954-draft constitution that leaves the practicing of rights and freedoms to law, then we come to see the 1971 constitution as merciful on the outward, but torture on the inward.
During his speech about the comparison between the situation of freedom in Egypt and in other Arab and foreign countries, Dr. Mahmoud Abdel Zaher, the professor of political sciences and the security expert, called, through the work paper he presented, for activating the call of the judicial organizations and parties upon popular participation in studying the effect of the Emergency Law on the Egyptian community, as this is considered a national necessity to overtake any legislative crises. He also assured the importance of carrying out President Husni Mubarak's electoral program as regards putting an end to the emergency case, passing a new law for combating terrorism and ensuring the existence of sound guarantees that respect general rights and freedoms to ensure the continuation of the comprehensive political reform operation in Egypt and all Arab countries.
Dr. Abdel Zaher concluded his speech asserting that Britain and Israel are two countries without written constitution up until now, yet, there are very big differences between them in the constitutional level. While Britain admits the principle of constitutional tradition, we find that Israel, which is established according to individual resolution, admits the legitimacy of the torturing principle as it established an emergency law no. 4 year 1984 which includes the same policy and the ' how' of applying it on the enemies, the members of the Palestinian resistance, but as for the Israeli colonist, we find that it enables him to practice his rights in a way better than that of Egypt nowadays.
Mrs. Saly Samy, the scholar in the International Policy Magazine, presented an offer in which she called upon those who are concerned with putting down laws to put a limited and explicit definition of the concept of terrorism and to limit its crimes before raising the draft law for combating terrorism before the parliament. She also drew attentions to the fact that it is very dangerous to have the law void of defining, condemning and combating the state terrorism as an official way against basic human rights. She as well demanded that there must be a national project for human rights in Egypt that attempts to put an end to legal, political and cultural illiteracy as a base of wider thinking to propagate the culture of human rights.
D. Ahmed Thabet, the professor of political sciences, condemned, through his work paper entitled ' Reforming the criminal justice, a third option' Muslim Brotherhood group which is the other face of the government, drawing attentions to the fact that the religious references adopted by such groups are always completely far away from the modern civil concepts adopted by the state with all its political visions. He also added that Muslim Brotherhood group practices a clear distinction against the Egyptian community and classifies the people on the basis of religion and that it carries out , with its own slogans , religious recommendations that opposes the concept of citizenship which is supported and adopted by all political visions. In addition, Muslim Brotherhood group go far away, with its doubtful classifications, to the extent that it violates women's rights as it sees that the role of the women in the political life does not exceed participating in demonstrations, as it is clear from the declining number of the women nominated in the general elections during the last years on the lists of Muslim Brotherhood group.
The Counsel, Maged El Sherbiny, the member of the Shura Council and the Secretariat-general of the National Party, protested against the accusations directed to the Party regarding its inability of harmony and of reaching a balance state with the objection and other political parties concerning important issues such as the issue of freedom. He added" We are not in the situation of reaction; we are the first t use the term 'citizenship' in 2003. The National Council for Human Rights has departed from the Party, while the Party issues most of the recent legislations, which are considered continuation of reform march; such as canceling the military resolutions, adjusting the political parties law and canceling detention in publishing issues"
Mr. Maged added about the features of the new draft law for combating terrorism that there are not any obscurities about this law; the evidence is that he comes here due to Maat Center's invitation for the National Democratic Party and due to the care of the Secretary General of the Party, Mr.Safwat El Sherif to participate with all the national forces in discussing the important issues of our native home, among of which is the issue of terrorism, and for this reason he accepted the invitation and participated with the Center in the workshop.
Mr. Maged presented the features of the new bill in certain points in which he declared that the committee that was charged with preparing the bill was formed according to a resolution of the Prime Minister, its number is 477 of year 2006, and it is headed by Dr. Mofeed Shehab along with other representatives of the Ministries of Justice, Defense, Interior and The Ministry of Legal Affairs along with group of counsels and specialized university professors. He added that this committee has never passed up till now any vague issues concerning this law, except that the general frame of this committee has the following axes:
- Studying all the comparative rules in all the states of the world to be under consideration while forming the law
- Resorting to all the international and legal agreements that Egypt has signed in the context of the United States, Arab League, African Union and the organization of Islamic Conference.
In the context of his speech about whether the new terrorism law will affect the activation of the Emergency Law, Mr. Maged El Sherbiny noted that the new law will not cancel the Emergency Law which will be still existing to confront crises, but the Emergency Law will stop working; that is to say that the law for combating terrorism will work in stead of the continuation of the Emergency Law.
He added that the task of the new law is not just to drive off harm like most of the recent law, but it will further stop any harm or damage before occurring, and that will lead to drying out terrorism sources. He concluded his speech by mentioning what came in the President's program regarding constitutional reforms assuring that there is not any violation in the third of the constitution regarding the guarantee of respecting rights and freedoms and that part of the constitutional reforms will include the authorities entitled to the president. He as well assured that the party is ready to receive all suggestions from all national forces and civil community organizations to convey them to the law makers and that the motive behind the party's participation in the workshop is to share all the national forces to reach balanced recommendations about rights, freedoms and combating terrorism which are accepted by all.
Mr. Sobhy Saleh, member of People's Assembly, presented a work paper through which he expressed his objection to the continuing activating the Emergency Law and putting down a new terrorism law, asserting the inevitable necessity of a comprehensive constitutional reform as what happened in other Arab countries that precede Egypt in political reform. He as well asserted the importance of respecting the citizen.
Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Khalil, the lawyer and judicial activist, considered, in his work paper entitled 'Necessary principles and guarantees to limit or restrict human rights on the light of the international standards', the guarantees that must be available in the democratic community that cares about protecting the individual rights against any illegal, arbitrary or discriminational limitations or restrictions. He put upon the legislative body, represented in the People's Assembly and its majority that belong to the National Party, the responsibility of forming and passing laws that violate the international charters signed by Egypt , as it is clear when the majority of the National Party accepted to extend the activation of the Emergency Law for two coming years and thus to extend bringing its innocent victims before trials in front of extraordinary judgment which disrepute Egypt and its history in one form or the other.
Dr. Ayman Abdel Aziz Salamah, the professor of international law, demanded in his work paper to consider legal standards while detaining the individuals in case of emergency, the most important of which is to mention the reasons and places of detention according to the provisions of the law. He as well called upon activating the supervision on jails to inspect the detainees' situations and to tell them the reasons of their detention and to guarantee that they are in contact with their lawyers and guarantee good treatment away from torturing, individual detention and bad interrogation ways and guarantee human circumstances of detention that ends at immediate and fair trials before the normal judges.
Khaled Ali, the lawyer at Hesham Mubarak's Law Center, criticized, in his work paper entitled ' Emergency case and the law of combating terrorism', the absence of limited and clear sanctions for the deeds that are subject to the Emergency Law, as the aim of the Emergency Law is flexibility and acceleration in punishment measures without adhering to any constitutional rules of protecting rights, freedoms and private ownership. He also pointed out that the bill of combating terrorism, which offered, now by the system does not aim at putting down sanction provisions, but aims at giving wider authorities to the general prosecution after they were restricted to the president or whomever he authorized.
Khalid Ali concluded his speech asserting that what we own of normal legislative arsenal, sanctions, measures, weapons and ammunition...Etc. are quite enough to protect the society and guarantee its security and safety.
Mr. Ayman Okail, Maat Center's management, indicated that the new law for combating terrorism must necessarily respect a number of guarantees, if the parliament agrees on it, as it must not ignore a number of fundamental freedoms' issues and the issue of the detainees; the victims of the Emergency Law and who are not given the chance to stand before their normal judges and thus they must be compensated.
He also demanded that the new law must put a definite definition of terrorism, limit its crimes according to a clear formation that would not contrast the Egyptian constitution and the international charters signed by the state and specify the role of each authority to put an end to terrorism so as to apply the principle of separating between authorities.
Mr. Ayman also declared that the Center adopts training and qualifying programs for the lawyers to defend the detainees' issues, to spread the spirit of voluntary work and propagate the culture of human rights and serving the community, pointing out that the coming plan of the Center shall include lawyers from upper and Mediterranean Sea governorates during the coming years, God Willing. God is the Lord of Success;
God grants success
The recommendations of the Maat Center workshop at the conclusion of the Freedom for All program about
Protecting rights and freedoms between emergency law and combating terrorism
We, the assembled participants in this workshop, after discussions and deliberations on the issue of freedoms and public rights and exceptional and restrictive laws, carry our ideas and proposals to the decision-makers and Parliament according to which it is entrusted with achieving the hopes of the Egyptian people in an effective political life that serves the interests of the nation and appreciates its Arab, regional and global weight and its political history. Considering it an agreement on the necessity of working to protect public rights and freedoms and bypassing the state of monopolization of the executive authority by controlling the rhythm of the freedom movement and democratic practices. Therefore, we declare:
We are against the continuation of the declaration of the state of emergency and against the issuance of a new terrorism law that bears the same features of the state of emergency permanently or the features of the unconstitutional terrorism law No. 97 of 92 but if the anti-terrorism law is inevitable according to the official statements, it is not legitimate without these following guarantees: -
- Establishing a specific definition of terrorism that does not contradict everything stated in the provisions of the Egyptian constitution and international covenants regarding the protection of rights and public freedoms, freedom of opinion, expression, demonstration, assembly, etc., as well as respect for democratic principles, the principle of independence of authorities and the rule of law.
- Defining terrorist crimes exclusively according to a clear wording consistent with the principle of generality and divestment of the legal base.
Emphasizing the guarantee of the principle of every citizen's right to submit to his natural judge and preventing referral to all forms of exceptional courts.
- The provision explicitly for harsher punishment for torture committed by public authority men.
- Codifying clear penalties in the event of violating the guarantees contained in the provisions of this law, even if that violation was issued by a public authority figure.
- Until the new anti-terrorism law is issued or the emergency law is abolished, all state authorities must implement the provisions of the emergency law itself and effectively respect the guarantees contained therein.
Above all, we demand:
- By allowing all national and political forces, without exception, to participate in the discussion of proposals submitted by draft anti-terrorism law before it is issued by the People's Assembly.
- The speedy release of all political detainees who were arrested according to arrest decisions in violation of the provisions of the constitution and the law, and the obligation of the regime to present an official apology to them and ensure that they receive appropriate compensation
At the conclusion of the Maat program (Freedom for All), jurists and politicians warn of an unknown law of terrorism that would upend the remaining margin of freedom from the time of emergency December 18, 2006
A number of jurists, politicians, representatives of civil society organizations and various political parties called in a national consensus to reject all forms of violence and terrorism, and to adopt new policies in dealing with issues of public rights and citizens' freedoms on another level, instead of talking about more restrictions imposed by the authority on them. Participants in the Maat Center workshop on (protecting rights and freedoms between emergency and counterterrorism laws) - at the conclusion of the center's program under the slogan (freedom for all), expressed their concern about the current government’s policies to pass a new anti-terrorism law without serious study of the effects of implementing the emergency law on A span of more than twenty-six years - on the state of public rights and freedoms in Egypt in light of a set of laws that only concern the consecration of security values and the strengthening of the role of security institutions at the expense of other state institutions, as well as the consolidation of respect for rights and freedoms, which led to a decline in the democracy and development index and an increase in the corruption index Which constituted one of the main reasons behind the spread of the phenomenon of terrorism, which has made it difficult to define a specific definition for it or to limit the crimes within its scope in light of the global and local disregard for its real causes. This is what was included in the words of the center’s director, Mr. Ayman Aqil, which he delivered at the opening session of the workshop’s activities after a quick review of the center’s achievements over the period of a year through his campaign that carried the slogan “Freedom for All”, in which the center intended to provide available resources to all those whose rights were violated, especially the group Political detainees, in which more than 250 cases were received for the families of detainees, through which the Center monitored the reality of their conditions in light of the absence of the institutional role of the state towards what they suffer without guilt.
At the conclusion of his opening speech, Professor Ayman Aqil expressed that the aim of the workshop is to discuss the question raised about the extent to which Egyptian society needs a new law for terrorism and what are the actual guarantees that this law must include in the event that its issuance is a fait accompli in order to have legal legitimacy. Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Director of the Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies, inaugurated his speech by stressing that struggle is the only way to obtain rights and freedoms. Dr. Saad said that the rule in all constitutions is to restrict the ruler's powers, which is what the Egyptian constitutions lack after the 1923 constitution and the 1954 draft constitution, which leaves the process of organizing the exercise of rights and freedoms to the laws, so that we see the 1971 constitution as mercy on the surface and torture in it.
In the exhibition of comparative talk between the conditions of freedoms in Egypt and some Arab and European countries, Dr. Mahmoud Abdel-Zahir, a professor of political science and a security expert, called through the working paper he presented to activate the call for human rights organizations and parties to popular participation in studying the effects of the emergency law on Egyptian society as a national necessity to override any Legislative crises with an emphasis on the importance of implementing what was mentioned in President Hosni Mubarak's electoral program regarding ending the state of emergency and enacting a new anti-terrorism law, taking into account the existence of good guarantees that protect public rights and freedoms to confirm the continuation of the comprehensive political reform process in Egypt and the entire Arab region. Abdul Zahir said, stressing that Britain and Israel are two countries without a written constitution yet, but there is a big difference between each of them at the constitutional level. While Britain adopts the principle of constitutional norms, we find that Israel, which was established according to an individual decision by a group that recognizes the legitimacy of the principle of torture, has developed Emergency Law No. 4 of 1984 carries in its context the same policy and the real mode of application its enemies, who are members of the Palestinian resistance. At the level of the Israeli settler internally, we find that it has truly enabled him to exercise his political rights better than what we are living in in Egypt now. As for Professor Sally Sami, researcher at the Journal of International Politics who made a presentation, she asked those involved in drafting laws to set a specific and clear definition of the concept of terrorism and to limit its crimes before the draft anti-terrorism bill was presented to Parliament, pointing to the danger of not defining state terrorism, condemning it and combating it as an official approach against human rights. Basic, and called for a national national human rights project in Egypt that seeks to eradicate cultural, political and legal literacy as a basis for a broader idea to spread the culture of human rights.
Dr. Ahmed Thabet, a professor of political science, in his paper which he presented under the title “Criminal justice reform is a third option” - accused the Muslim Brotherhood of being the other face of the government, pointing out that the religious authority adopted by these groups is always completely far from the modern civic concepts on which they live. The state in all its political spectrum. Dr. said. It is proven that the Brotherhood practices clear discrimination against the Egyptian society and classifies the people on the basis of religion and practices with its slogans a religious guardianship over the homeland that contradicts the concept of citizenship that all political spectrums talk about, and moves away with its dubious classifications to the point of violating the rights of women. The role of women in political life from her point of view does not increase As for participating in the demonstrations, as evidenced by the dwindling number of those who were nominated in the general elections during the past years on the Brotherhood’s lists. Counselor / Majed Al-Sharr Benny, a member of the Shura Council and the General Secretariat of the National Democratic Party, objected to the accusations directed against the party regarding the inability of the National Party to reconcile and create a state of balance with the opposition parties and other political currents on important issues such as the issue of freedoms and stated: “We are not in a position to react We are the first to use the term citizenship in 2003, and the National Council for Human Rights has come out of the party’s mantle, and most of the current legislation that complements the reform process has come out of the National Party, such as canceling military decisions, amendments to the political parties law, and abolishing imprisonment in publishing cases.
He also added the features of the new anti-terrorism bill and mentioned that there is no blackout about this bill, as evidenced by the fact that its presence here came after the center’s call for the National Democratic Party and through the keenness of the Secretary-General of the party Dr. Safwat Al-Sharif on the party’s participation in all the national forces in discussing important issues for the country, including the issue of terrorism. This is why before the invitation, the party’s participation in this workshop. Counselor Majed Al-Sherbini presented the features of the new draft law in a set of points, in which he stated that the committee entrusted with preparing the draft law was formed according to a decree of the Prime Minister and bore No. 477 of 2006 and headed by Dr. Moufid Shehab, along with representatives from the Ministry of Justice, Defense and Interior, and the Ministry of Legal Affairs, in addition to a group of consultants and university professors. He added - that this committee has not come out of it until now, with matters specifically formulated regarding this project, but the general framework of this committee revolves around the following: - Study All comparative provisions in all countries of the world in order to be under their consideration at the time of drafting the law.
- Refer to all international and local agreements signed by Egypt within the framework of the United Nations, the Arab League, the African Union, and the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Speaking about whether the new terrorism law will affect the implementation of the emergency law, he said that the new law will not cancel the emergency law, which will remain in place to face crises, but will stop the implementation of the emergency law, meaning that the new anti-terrorism law will be an alternative to continuing the emergency law. He added that the task of the new law will not stop at the point of paying the damage and removing the damage like most current laws, but it will go beyond that to prevent harm before even committing it to prevent the start of implementation, which will lead to drying up the sources of terrorism.
He concluded his speech by mentioning what was mentioned in the program of the President of the Republic regarding constitutional reforms, stressing that what was mentioned in Chapter Three of the Constitution regarding the guarantee of respect for rights and freedoms, and that part of the constitutional reforms will include the powers vested in the President of the Republic, and he also stressed the party’s readiness to receive all proposals submitted by all national forces And civil society institutions to communicate them to decision-makers concerned with drafting the law, and the motive behind the party's participation in this workshop is the participation of all national forces to come up with recommendations that are balanced between rights, freedoms and the requirements of combating terrorism that are acceptable to all. Mr. Subhi Saleh, a member of the People's Assembly, presented a working paper to him, in which he expressed his rejection of my choice of continuing the emergency law or enacting a new anti-terrorism law, stressing that a comprehensive constitutional reform process has become an urgent matter, as happened in Arab countries that preceded Egypt in political reform processes It also stressed the need to respect the citizen's freedom and humanity. In a working paper titled “The Principles and Guarantees Needed for Defining or Restricting Human Rights in Light of International Standards,” Professor Muhammad Abdullah Khalil, a lawyer and human rights activist, presented the guarantees that must be met in a democratic society concerned with protecting the rights of the individual from unlawful or arbitrary restrictions or restrictions or Discriminatory law, blaming the legislative body represented in the People's Assembly and its majority belonging to the National Party responsible for drafting and passing laws contrary to the international covenants signed by Egypt, which appeared during the approval of the majority of the National Authority to extend the implementation of the emergency law for two years to come and the continued submission of its innocent victims to unfair trials before exceptional judges. Damaged in one way or another to the reputation of Egypt and its history.
In a working paper presented by Dr. Ayman Abdel Aziz Salama, professor of international law, he called for the implementation of legal standards when arresting individuals in a state of emergency, the most important of which is stating the reasons for arrest and places of detention in accordance with the provisions of the law, and activating monitoring of prisons to verify the conditions of detainees inside them, and informing them of the reasons for their detention And providing guarantees for their contact with their lawyers, ensuring good treatment for them, away from torture, solitary confinement, and poor interrogation methods, and arranging for humane detention conditions that lead to immediate and fair trials before the natural judges. Khaled Ali, a lawyer at the Hisham Mubarak Law Center, denounced his paper he presented under the title “The State of Emergency and the Law of Confrontation” Terrorism ”- in the absence of specific and clear penalties for acts that are subject to the provisions of the emergency law, with the provisions of the penal code being adequately applied to them, as the goal of what the emergency law gives is flexibility and speed in taking punitive measures without adhering to any constitutional rules to protect rights, freedoms and private property, indicating that The draft anti-terrorism law proposed by the regime does not aim to set punitive texts, but rather to provide the prosecution with broader powers and powers And the control officers, after they were exceptionally limited to the president of the republic or whomever he delegates, concluded Khaled Ali, stressing that what we have in our regular legislative arsenal ... sanctions ... measures ... weapons and ammunition ... etc. ... is completely sufficient to protect society and establish its security and safety. Professor / Ayman Aqil, Director of Maat Center, drew attention to the importance of respecting the new anti-terrorism law for a set of guarantees - once Parliament approves it - provided that a number of fundamental freedoms issues are not covered, the most important of which is the issue of detainees who are victims of the emergency law who are absent from trial before their natural judge who must be compensated, demanding that it be specified The new law clearly defines terrorism and limits its crimes according to a clear wording that does not contradict the Egyptian constitution and the international conventions signed by the state, and that the law defines the role of each authority in eliminating terrorism, in application of the principle of separation of powers.
Aqeel announced that the center will continue to adopt training and qualification programs for lawyers to defend detainees' cases to infuse the spirit of voluntary work and spread the culture of human rights and community service, referring to the center's next plan targeting lawyers in Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt governorates during the next year, God willing. May God grant success to the recommendations of the Maat Center workshop at the end of the Freedom for All program
“Protecting rights and freedoms between emergency law and combating terrorism” We, the assembled participants in this workshop after discussions and deliberations on the issue of freedoms and public rights and exceptional and restrictive laws, carry our ideas and proposals to the decision-makers and Parliament according to which it is entrusted with achieving the hopes of the Egyptian people for an effective political life that serves the interests of the nation and appreciates Its Arab, regional and global weight and its political history have reached what can be considered an agreement on the necessity of working to protect public rights and freedoms and bypassing the state of monopolization of the executive authority by controlling the rhythm of the freedom movement and democratic practices. Therefore, we declare: We are against the continuation of the declaration of the state of emergency and against the issuance of a new terrorism law bearing the same features of the state of emergency Permanently or the features of the Unconstitutional Terrorism Law No. 97 of 92 but if the Anti-Terrorism Law is inevitable according to official statements, it is not legitimate without these following guarantees:
- Establishing a specific definition of terrorism that does not contradict everything stated in the provisions of the Egyptian constitution and international covenants regarding the protection of rights and public freedoms, freedom of opinion, expression, demonstration, assembly, etc., as well as respect for democratic principles, the principle of independence of authorities and the rule of law. - Defining terrorist crimes exclusively according to a clear wording consistent with the principle of generality and divestment of the legal base. Emphasizing the guarantee of the principle of every citizen's right to submit to his natural judge and preventing referral to all forms of exceptional courts.
The participants at the workshop
No. The name of the entity to which it belongs
1) Mr. Majid Mahmoud El-Sherbiny, a member of the Shura Council and a member of the General Secretariat of the National Democratic Party
2) Mr. Muhammad Zari`, the Arab Organization for Criminal Reform
3) Mr. Essam Shiha, Al-Wafd Party
4) A / on the good race of the Bar Association
5) Mr. Salah Al-Din Al-Swaify, Journalist
6) Mr. Muhammad Hussein Shalabi, Association for Legal Aid for Constitutional Rights, Mansoura
7) A / Wafaa Hanafi Sahab, Advocate of Cassation
8) Mr. Hamdy Abdel Aziz, Swaseya Center
9) Mr. Prince Gad Al-Karim, President of the Egyptian Center for Human Rights
10) Mr. Ahmed Kamel, Al-Wefaq Party
11) Mr. Mustafa Madbouly, Al-Wefaq Party
12) Mr. Tariq Muhammad Ahmad, the Young Egypt Party
13) Mr. Majid Sorour, One World Foundation
14) Mr. Ashraf Hassan Hamed, an employee of the Shura Council
15) Mr. Hoda Al-Badry, Egyptian Federation for Human Rights
16) Mr. Rasha Ahmed Mahmoud, the Free Party
17) Mr. Mohamed Samir Moussa, Director of One World Development Programs
18) Mr. Muhammad Mohi Al-Daim Hamed Association for Human Development
19) Mr. Nisreen Askar, Al-Wafd Party
20) Mr. Muhammad Farid Zakaria, the Free Party - Member of the Shura Council
21) Mr. Alaa Abd Al-Latif Mansour, website of the Brotherhood’s representatives
22) Mr. Majid Mounir Malak, Egypt Girl Party
23) Mr. Enas Selim, Director of the Legal Aid Unit at the Maat Center for Legal and Constitutional Studies

Freedom Workshop for the Protection of Rights and Freedoms 18 12 06 4Freedom Workshop for the Protection of Rights and Freedoms 18 12 06 3Freedom Workshop for the Protection of Rights and Freedoms 18 12 06 1


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