Due to belief that political reform will not be achieved unless there is a genuine decentralization give local authority more powers, which qualifies it to provide basic services to community citizens , Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights has implemented a training program in cooperation with Hanns Seidel Foundation includes a series of training workshop to train government departments' executives on local decentralization and effective professional practices in a number of governorates : Giza , Sharkya, Luxor and Qaliubiya , as Maat began implementing this program in July, 2011.
Maat held second training workshop on "Decentralization and effective professional practices" in Sharkia governorate, from 10th to 12th September 2011 for executives in local government includes administrations such as Youth and Sports, Education directorates and officials of departments of health and departments at Ministry of Local Development.
Workshop aims to qualify officials of local administrations to work positively in light of decentralization and good local governance by raising awareness of local executives on decentralization and good local governance issues and increasing their knowledge regarding effective professional practices in context of decentralization.
The three-day training covered a number of issues including structure of local system in Egypt, decentralization and good local governance, roles and responsibilities of local authority and themes related to effective professional practice in decentralization, such as participatory planning of local development process and administrative delegation .Training also addresses experiences of Egypt in decentralization.
Workshop covered subject of administrative delegation, concept, its advantages, obstacles to its application and reasons for failure in application, as trainees presented many questions and comments on this issue. Discussions in workshop dealt with problems of current law and how to avoid them in new law, such as issue of decentralization, and obstacles that prevent its application in Egypt with presenting experiences of Ministry of Local Development and Ministry of Education as well as, constraints and problems of administrative delegation in Egypt. Trainees pointed out, there is a gap between law and practice, and especially since local administration law stated more than 99 basic local service provided for community citizens but in the realty they are low with lower quality, besides administrative and financial delegation weakness and poor powers of local officials in government departments. Some trainees raised problem of certain areas omission, such as estates and villages, which leads to be ignored in budget allocated to each governorate.
During the training and discussions between trainees and trainers, trainees demanded to pass legislation for local government cope with administrative and local resources and take advantage of new urban communities nationwide. In addition to activating fiscal decentralization in governorates so that they can implement projects needed by each governorate largely.
shortlink: https://maatpeace.org/en/?p=30461