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In the Framework of Activities of Citizen's Voice Project Maat Foundation held a training workshop to build the capacity of executives in Sharqia

Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights concluded the second training workshop, entitled "Building the capacity of executives on practices associated with decentralization" and carried out by the institution in Sharqia on June 21, 2012.
The workshop was held in the framework of the citizen's voice (2) and implemented in collaboration with the Foundation for the future. It seeks to build the capacity of executives in senior management on decentralization and professional practices associated with them, advocacy and gaining to improve the legislative framework governing local administration to become more supportive of decentralization, and monitoring and documenting violations of economic and social rights of citizens in the targeted areas and pressure on decision makers in order to improve.
The workshop comes in the context of the concerns of Maat Foundation for activating the role of the executive officials of local bodies in the governorates targeted in the application of good local governance mechanisms and support the decentralization and empowerment of the professional practices that can be supportive of the decentralization.
In the workshop, 22 of the general managers and presidents and secretaries of general units of local government have participated. The training workshop included the following topics, "the structure of the local system in Egypt, concepts and dimensions of decentralization, good local governance, and professional practices to support decentralization"
It has been shown through practical exercises and groups that the trainees have good ideas with regard to decentralization and good local governance, where the response and the assimilation of scientific material which they were trained, was high and produced a large extent reflect the practical applications of positive interaction with this material.
The analysis of pre and post evaluation forms for trainees showed a significant positive change in the level of their knowledge on topics of the workshop, which underlines the importance of capacity-building activities in the system of the efforts to decentralize.


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