On the sidelines of the 56th session of the Human Rights Council, Maat discusses the human rights situation in Ethiopia
Within the framework of its interest in the reality of human rights in countries that have witnessed or are still witnessing conflicts, and in conjunction with the 56th session of the Human Rights Council, Maat held a webinar in order to shed light on the human rights situations in the civil, political, economic and social contexts in Ethiopia.
Between killing, arrest, forced detention, gender-based violence, and violations of the rights of indigenous people, human rights in Ethiopia are still drowning in a wide spiral of human rights violations that occur against civilians, creating an environment in which local security and stability are not only absent, but in which they are threatened. Ethiopian national reconciliation in light of the escalating fears of a relapse in the reality of peace within Ethiopian society.
shortlink: https://maatpeace.org/en/?p=42827