Price increase ... a government call for the Egyptian people to strike

Price increase ... a government call for the Egyptian people to strike

Price increase ... a government call to strike the Egyptian people

Maat asks the government and parliament: -

 Why do we support the Spanish and Israeli citizens with gas and energy, and lift support for the Egyptian poor?

Suddenly and without introductions and after the rosy government promises made by the national newspapers to the people on President Mubarak's birthday, the quiet Egyptian street, rejecting the strike, as it claimed, turned into tribes for rivalry, fighting and disagreement over what Dr. Ahmed Nazif's government accomplished regarding them, and its majority approved it in Parliament yesterday evening, before it It is promoted by government television on the tongues of its officials and with the blessings of its media.

It was not surprising that Ahmed Ezz, Secretary of the People's Assembly’s Plan and Budget Committee and the largest monopolist of the most important strategic commodity in Egypt, announced the increase, which Parliament approved yesterday, in the prices of gasoline, diesel, cigarettes, car and car fees, the value of transportation tickets and natural gas, and thus increase with it the prices of basic commodities. And other services ...,

It was not surprising that NDP deputies rallied to approve the increases that followed President Mubarak’s decision to provide a social allowance of up to 30 % of the basic wage for appointed government employees, excluding the rest of the people who suffer from poverty, unemployment and high prices and do not get their daily food or their right to care. Health ...,

It was not surprising that the representatives of the “non-national” did not see the report of the plan and budget committee, which, according to their assertions, collected 24 billion pounds instead of 19 billion, just as it was not strange for Muslim Brotherhood deputies to appear defending the people in Parliament, despite their refusal - to the point of condemnation. - Participation in strikes called by Egyptian youth in protest against the high prices, as if the feeling of the patriot and the Brotherhood of the people's troubles alike does not exist or comes too late, or some push it towards the political exploitation of the scene, so the thinking of the two parties is known to all.

We do not disagree with economists ’explanations that the increase in energy prices has raised the prices of all basic commodities, but we express our astonishment at the government's continued insistence on supporting Israel with gas exported to it at less than international prices, and for a period of up to 20 years, and we do not see justification for the government's continued support for the citizen. The Spanish rich in subsidized gas - if the Israelis are basically poor and in need of support -, perhaps our heads of government in Madrid, the Spanish capital, have found neighborhoods similar to Manshiyat Nasser, the Ram Castle, the shantytown, or even the Duwayqa, but we do not know about the Spaniards except for all the best and our people only associate them with their admiration. The severe and historic "Bundesliga" matches, in exchange for severe and historic hatred of Israel.

Notifying the people through his government of an increase in prices the day after President Mubarak's 80th birthday - who witnessed the call for a popular strike - means a severe disregard for the conditions of the Egyptians, as if they were punished for not striking them or as if their government sought to recover the pennies that it paid to the Mahalla yarn workers on April 6 exponentially. Or, it seeks to respond to any thinking about popular protest with a greater increase in the prices of basic commodities to stop the growth of Egyptians, in exchange for protecting the monopolists of these commodities and embracing them.

The Maat Center, which is following the scene in the Egyptian street from the hubbub and turmoil as a result of those increases that explicitly meant “grinding the poor”, considers the current government's policies the worst that have been produced by global economic ideas and theories combined. No single government has succeeded in implementing “clean” socialism or capitalism or Even the communist theories, and none of them took what the people needed or called for ..,

The Center sees in the price increase approved by the majority of the National Party government in Parliament, an explicit and direct threat to societal peace, and a new and strong government call - stronger than the calls of Facebook youth - to strike and protest, or it is an explicit call to everyone who has power or influence to create more Corruption, and the adoption of a lot of bribery in order to achieve the principle of self-sufficiency that Egyptians have become accustomed to as a result of the deprivation of their economic and social rights by their government, ignoring the international covenants approved for these rights .. Days to come. Let us wait with the government for more results of its policies .. !!


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