
Sudanese-Ethiopian border tensions

Maat Foundation is following up on the dangerous tensions in the Sudanese-Ethiopian borders, which mainly target the Quraysha locality in eastern Sudan. Tensions have been renewed Last December 15th, when the Sudanese forces were subjected to a violent attack by the Ethiopian armed forces on the common border in the “Jabal Abu Tayyur” area, which resulted in the death of a number of soldiers and left a number of other wounded among the Sudanese forces in addition to losses in equipment.

On January 11th, the “Ethiopian Al Shifta Gangs” attacked the Quraysh area, specifically the villages of Leia and Kuli, and 5 women and a child were victims of this accident. This attack came after the Ethiopian government claimed that the Sudanese forces were advancing towards border areas  Disputed. The Ethiopian ambassador in Khartoum accused the Sudanese army of seizing 9 camps inside Ethiopia.

Maat Foundation condemns the violations committed by the Ethiopian side at the Sudanese borders, especially the targeting of unarmed civilians, due to the flagrant violations of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, especially in Article 6 on the right to life, and Article 9 on the right to liberty and personal security, as it contradicts With General Assembly Resolution 1803 (XV) of December 14, 1962, relating to permanent sovereignty over natural resources.

Maat Foundation considers that this is an unjustified act whose only aim is to create panic in the Sudanese villages near the Ethiopian borders and to destabilize the security and stability of the region.

Maat calls on the Ethiopian side to abide by the 1972 border agreement and abandon the policy of imposing a fait accompli.

Although there are joint diplomatic mechanisms working to calm the situation between the two countries, namely the Joint Boundary Commission between Ethiopia and Sudan, they have been inactive since 2006, which has raised tensions again. The Foundation demands that the work of the committee be completed as scheduled while adhering to all its principles and working to achieve its outputs on the ground in a way that guarantees respect for international sovereignty and law.

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The African Affairs and Sustainable Development Unit of the Maat Foundation.


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