Parliament Performance Assessment 23-2015
Maat: 120 deputies are ineffective in the assembly and they have to commit themselves to their constituents
Maat: Parliament succeeds in overthrowing the civil service law and painstakingly passes the law on fortifying state contracts
Maat: Collective voting is the most prominent violation of the citizen's right, and the representatives must respect the rights of citizens
Maat: We call on the new parliamentarians to use their parliamentary powers to achieve citizens' goals
Maat: The verdict on Parliament is imprecise, and we must study until the pictures are clear
Parliament begins its sessions to consider the laws that were issued since the approval of the constitutional amendments in January 2014 until the parliament convened, in which 340 laws were approved and the civil service and mineral wealth laws were rejected despite the fact that the Egyptian people in the first week of the life of the parliament formed a negative image of the House of Representatives, especially in the sessions It was broadcast on the air as a result of the natural misconduct of some of the deputies in the first special session during the swearing of the constitutional oath, while the second week, for example, of Parliament witnessed a number of different incidents that were the result of the nature of the composition of Parliament, whether partisan or independent.
Despite the agreement of all political forces and coalitions in Parliament to pass laws within the 15-day period to get out of the crisis of Article 156 of the Constitution, but contrary to what is expected, a real awareness appeared among the deputies when the deputies rejected the mineral wealth law that is not known to all citizens or did not deal with it in the media, in contradiction to a law The civil service, which indicates that a large number of parliamentarians read the laws, study them carefully, and express their opinion on them according to reason and logic, not according to the principle of passing laws and re-discussing them to get out of the constitutional impasse.
The deputies ’rejection of the Civil Service Law was a real response to the voters’ call, which was evident from the persistence of a large number of them to reject it despite the many attempts by the government to pass it in order to avoid the consequences of its rejection of the effects of the government's abuse, which means that the parliament continues with the pulse of the masses, unlike what was present in Previous time.
Despite the passage of the Law on Fortification of State Contracts, 134 deputies rejected this law and 13 abstained from voting, which led to the referral of the remarks of the members of the House of Representatives to the committee concerned with reviewing decisions by laws to review them, discuss them again and amend them in accordance with the vision of the Council, while he witnessed that. The law is the highest rate of rejection compared to all the laws passed by Parliament since its inauguration, as 134 deputies rejected, 13 abstained from voting, while 328 deputies agreed with a rate of 69.5%, and a number of members refused to pass this law due to the lack of a large majority to approve it. For the law, the law was passed because it needed a majority, and the legislator did not require the approval of two-thirds of the members.
While it is difficult until now to accurately assess or judge the performance of the deputies in the past period, especially in light of the parliament’s discussion of decisions by laws that need to be passed more than discussion. The committees' sessions during the discussion of laws witnessed great wealth and indicated that there are a number of deputies who have read and prepared well and there are other deputies who have not prepared optimally, while there are approximately 120 ineffective deputies. While we see that the parliament needs some adjustments in the coming period, both at the level of giving the word, which we believe that its request 24 hours before the session is not appropriate for discussing laws. In addition to the necessity to distribute the decisions or laws to be discussed among the members at least 48 hours before it and not in the same session as it happens in addition to the necessity of setting up a pre-program for the sessions.
In spite of the good performance, there are some negative things that the parliament must rectify in the coming period, as none of the sessions were free from the occurrence of a crisis confirming that the decision to ban television broadcasting was appropriate for the nature of the stage in light of the poor administrative performance of the deputies where the parliament appeared at some times In a chaotic manner, for example, when one of the representatives announced his rejection of a law that appeals to the Speaker of Parliament, Dr. Ali Abdel-Al, he was expelled from the hall, MP Ahmed Tantawi, in contrast to the altercation that occurred between the president and attorney Suleiman Wahdan due to the request of the representative to speak to his colleague, Deputy Counselor Sri Siyam.
Here, we must emphasize that it is natural that tensions and tensions occur between MPs and some of them, especially in light of discussions about many laws and matters, and the divergence of opinions of the 596 deputies. We hope that with the passage of time, more parliamentary sessions will be held regularly for the performance of the deputies and the regularity of their discussions, as the occurrence of crises within the committees is a natural matter and the deputies must accept the opinion and the other opinion, and not protest against the opinions of their colleagues, because they are ultimately in the interest of the citizens for whom the discussions are held. The Speaker of the Council called on the deputies to adhere to the rules of discussions within the sessions, and not to prejudice the session order under any circumstances, so that the Parliament sessions do not come out badly that harms Egypt in the end.
In the past few days, some negatives appeared within the parliament, including some deputies leaving voting cards for another colleague to vote on their behalf in a mistake that should not be repeated inside the Egyptian parliament, which appeared and the deputies voted collectively. While the other negative was the fact that some parliamentarians left the parliament during the vote to obtain the identity cards that carry a member of Parliament.
In the end, the period during which we cannot actually evaluate the performance of Parliament has not departed from being a period for the approval of some laws that were issued in the absence of real legislation and procedural sessions, so we believe that we must teach in judgment and evaluation, demanding parliamentarians to raise their skillful abilities to use tools. Which the constitution, law, and bylaws of the Council authorize them to defend the citizens