Report on terrorist crimes and their relationship to the electoral process No. 39

Report on terrorist crimes and their relationship to the electoral process No. 39

Aqeel: There is a marked decline in the impact of terrorist operations and the thwarting of most of them before they happen


The Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights monitored, through the observatory of the joint international mission to monitor the elections "42", an attempt to commit terrorist crimes in the period from October 2 to 8, in conjunction with the propaganda phase of the parliamentary elections

Where stated Ayman Okeil  The head of the Maat Foundation and the spokesperson for the joint international local mission to follow up on the parliamentary elections that the mission’s observatory, which is managed by Maat Foundation, has issued its report No. 39 on terrorist crimes and their relationship to the democratic transition process and the electoral process in particular.

Aqeel said that the report revealed a severe decline in the harmful effects of terrorist operations, and the failure of most of these operations to achieve their objectives, as Egypt witnessed during the period covered by the report 42 attempts to commit a terrorist crime, the armed forces and police succeeded in thwarting most of them before they happened.

The report revealed the continued targeting of terrorist elements of the Egyptian Armed Forces and Police, with their share of about 32 violent incidents out of a total of 42, with a ratio of 76 %, and terrorist elements continue to target service facilities, such as electricity towers, railways and banks, with the aim of negatively affecting The lives of citizens, as their share was about 4 incidents of violence out of a total of 42 violent incidents, or 10 1TTP1T.

With regard to the geographical distribution of terrorist operations and bombings, they were distributed in 9 governorates, with a major concentration in North Sinai, which witnessed about 27 violent incidents, or 64 1TTP1T.


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