Commentary of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Arab Republic of Egypt on statement Issued by the Maat Foundation regarding Handover of Armenian prisoners of war
The Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights received a response from the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Arab Republic of Egypt to its statement regarding the handover of Armenian prisoners of war In which the Foundation condemned the actions of the Azerbaijani government to try Armenian prisoners of war and not Handing them over to the Armenian government, and in compliance with the right to respond and objectively follow up on what is happening, and to confirm that all that matters to us is the application of international humanitarian law and commitment to humanitarian standards in the treatment of prisoners of war and the achievement of human justice in light of armed conflicts, and as a commitment to objectivity, we had to publish the response of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as it was received by us ...
(Comment is attached Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Arab Republic of Egypt)