Maat Foundation for Peace and Development and Human Rights Concluded Citizen's Voice Project (2) by the release of a new issue of e-magazine of Citizen's Voice. The electronic magazine dealt with a lot of issues and problems of concern to the Egyptian citizen and that play a major role to put pressure on those responsible to provide better service for the Egyptian citizen. The magazine is issued in the framework of Citizen's Voice Project 2” which is implemented by Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights in cooperation with the Foundation for the future. The project seeks to promote a culture of decentralization and good local governance and improve the access of economic, social rights and display problems, concerns and aspirations of the local citizen. The new issue of the Citizen's Voice magazine included a range of the most important outstanding issues: "the rape cases in Egyptian streets and security laxity... are the most concern of the President and the citizens, the energy crisis ... is headache to the President. The file of Egypt’s clean is a dream of the people and the President ... Campaign" clean home "challenges the enemies of Beauty”. Citizen’s Voice magazine participates in a popular campaign for Talabia people. Also there is a dialogue with Major General Ahmed Nassar, required an integrated solutions to solve the problem of cleaning and recycling and issues of Morsi Program in forgotten Upper Egypt. What about after the election of Morsi, Upper Egypt is waiting for harvest fruits. Also the issue included a file on "Maat Foundation establishes the civil network to support decentralization ... and monitor the collapse of modern houses in Luxor."