The Global Network for the rights and development (GNRD) has been following with great concern the situation in Egypt, taking into account the positive role that Egyptian police and army are carrying out. However, the GNRD is still preoccupied with the organized and planned attacks against the right to freedom of expression, especially that these millions of Egyptians represent a civilized model for all liberals in the world.
The GNRD, and like other international organizations, still cannot operate freely in Egypt due to a series of laws imposed by the ruling party. The GNRD has been closely monitoring through its regional office all the violations that accompanied the peaceful and civilized mass action by the Egyptian people.
Through monitoring the days before the big move and the first day of the demonstrations, GNRD has become convinced that the ruling party in Egypt manages armed groups and militias outside the official body of the Egyptian state.
The number of evidence available to researchers in the field, and the live testimonies of the people confirm that there is a plan to take Egypt into a state of chaos, and put up a tough choice between the confiscation of the protected right of the Egyptians through expressing their opinions freely, or by taking the people into a state of insecurity and chaos.
In addition, the amount of weapons seized by Egyptian police and military forces with groups belonging to the ruling party in Egypt, and the public appearances from official headquarters and targeting civilians from the headquarters, and mobilization of violence under the banner of peace, those acts should legally hold accountable those responsible for it.
The GNRD noted (9) dead and more than 1318 wounded in three days since the beginning of movement in Egypt. GNRD considers the previous facts a prelude to a decision to go with Egypt and its great people into a spiral of violence does not end.
The Global Network for Rights and Development highly appreciates the position of the Egyptian security forces, and it stresses the need to pursue and adjust anyone who tries to attack peaceful demonstrators and calls at the same time ruling party in Egypt to declare a clear and explicit position that will aim to avoid violence.
GNRD also calls upon the European Union, the U.S. administration, the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the international community to exert the necessary pressure on the ruling party in Egypt in order to ensure the lives of civilians.
Once again, the Egyptian people have been recorded in the pages of human history, a civilized position worth appreciation. It also made it clear that these people deserve freedom, dignity and social justice.
The GNRD recalls the Egyptian President the direct and indirect responsibility, to protect the demonstrators under national and international law. GNRD calls upon the president to use the voice of reason and wisdom, listen to the demands and wishes of the people, and learn from the lessons of the past, which confirms that challenging the people will only cause loss.
The Global Network for Rights and Development recalls that progress and prosperity of communities does not occur by using power. Those were the experiences of failed regimes who put their countries in an endless cycle of violence.
GNRD also ensures that it will keep monitoring the situation in Egypt and that there will be no impunity for any criminal assaults on civilians and the protected rights of the Egyptian people.