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Human Rights Researcher - Universal Periodic Review Program

Human Rights Researcher - Universal Periodic Review Program

Job: Project: Universal Periodic Review. Maat for Peace supports civil society organizations, human rights defenders and minorities to build their capacities to cooperate with the universal periodic review mechanism and submits written statements on the human rights situation in the countries under review. Maat participates in follow-up procedures of the UPR process and helps the establishment of civil society organizations' coalitions to participate and follow-up nationally the government’s the implementation of recommendations received under the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism.

The Universal Periodic Review Program: Through the program, Maat Foundation supports civil society organizations, human rights defenders and minorities in their interaction with the UPR mechanism and submits written statements on the status of human rights in the countries under review. Civil society to participate and follow-up locally to fulfill states' international obligations under the universal periodic review mechanism.

One of the main tasks For the researcher in the field of human rights “A human rights researcher” shall assist in monitoring and analyzing the human rights situation in the country under review, beside the researcher works on tracking the evolution of national and international standards; Also, the researcher monitors and reports on violations of the civil, social, cultural and political, In accordance with the standards and procedures announced for CSOs cooperation with the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism.

Job Description:

  • - Under the direction and supervision of the project manager the designated researcher, assist with researches on the country’s human rights situation.
  • - Monitor human rights developments including decisions by national, regional and international human rights bodies in the focus country within the Country-based Unit.
  • - Support in the development, organisation and implementation of awareness activities, campaigns and sessions on human rights education and developing the research unit by issuing analytical studies, press statements and documenting material in a systematic manner.
  • - Contributing in organizing sessions and workshops including logistical support as necessary.
  • - Contribute to the team’s response during a crisis or unexpected work load.

Knowledge, Skills, Behaviors, and Experience Required to apply for the job:

  • A university degree preferably in one of the following fields: (politics, economics, law, social science or international relations).
  • - Interest in the field of promotion of human rights and experience either through membership in an NGO, activities aiming to protect human rights or simulation models and other students’ activities.
  • Demonstrated skills to write a report and do a research as well oral and written communication skills in both English and Arabic languages; additional foreign languages are desirable.
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a manner that is consistent with the ICG’s core behaviours and competencies.
  • Excellent working knowledge of Office software; Word, Excel & PowerPoint.

How to apply:

Fill out the attached form and upload the CV in both Arabic and English.
Link to the electronic form
Application deadline: January 15, 2020.


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