Since the Houthis took control of the capital, Sana'a, in September 2014, and the subsequent control over other Yemeni governorates in northern Yemen, the Houthi militia has spared no effort to subordinate all official institutions in these governorates to their orientations and ideas that contradict the Yemeni national identity and serve sectarian and ideological ideas that the Houthis owe Only without others, ignoring any other doctrines and beliefs that live in these areas, which is inconsistent with the right to religion and belief guaranteed by international human rights law. Soon, these institutions became acquainted with these ideas that encourage intolerance and hatred against everything that is contrary to them in opinion and political orientation, and the Houthis' previous attempts on the education sector in the regions they ruled by force of arms broke down.
The Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights noted that the Houthis, since they took over by force of arms over a number of governorates, have committed violations against everything related to the educational process, and these violations included an attempt to replace the educational curriculum with other curricula that are in line with the Houthi ideology and glorify the historical symbols of the Houthi group. It considers that the coup against the legitimate government on September 21, 2014 is a national occasion, and these curricula have become a mixture of ideas that incite intolerance and hatred against other countries and describe them as countries of aggression, such as the United States, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, as well as what they contain in terms of shipping children and urging them to fight and practices of hostilities, which contradicts The overarching goal of education is to spread peace and tolerance and to urge children to adopt non-violent ideas.
Since the Houthi group has tightened its grip on the educational process in Yemen, it has not stopped replacing everything that contradicts its intellectual and political orientations in line with the group's desire for more complete control over the brains and thoughts of children and young people, in a way that guarantees them full loyalty. The Ministry of Education in the unrecognized government of Sana'a has systematically changed everything related to education in Yemen, including changing the names of schools and educational institutions with the names of other symbols belonging to the Houthi dynasty, and has replaced many school principals and teachers with others loyal to them, and who hold ideas Similar in a step that cannot deviate from the Houthis ’desire to make this education sectarian par excellence and contradict what is stipulated in international treaties, especially those dealing with the right to education, with the necessity of using unbiased curricula and educational materials.
Therefore, Maat Foundation decided to work on this report, in which we deal with the legal framework for protecting education in light of non-international armed conflicts, targeting educational personnel in areas under Houthi control, as well as the changes that the Houthi group makes to the educational process, especially the sectarian changes it has made in the years The last three, and finally the imposition of tuition fees in order to finance the hostile attacks committed against the Yemeni people and the neighboring countries.
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