Illegal immigration. Illegal approaches.

Illegal immigration .. legal approaches

Maat begins a series of analyzes on illegal immigration
Aqeel: Illegal immigrants are victims, not perpetrators, and legal aid must be provided to them
Pasha: Technical support should be increased to countries along migrant smuggling routes

The African Affairs and Sustainable Development Unit at the Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights has started a series of research publications on illegal migration to be published this December. These studies deal with the phenomenon of illegal immigration from a development perspective that is referenced in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as case studies at the regional and international level, as well as how to address the phenomenon legally and institutionally.

The first analytical study was titled: “Illegal Immigration .. Legal Approaches”, which sheds light on the phenomenon of illegal immigration and how the international deal with it. The study also focused on the definition of illegal immigration, trends in dealing with illegal immigrants, as well as illegal immigration in international agreements and covenants, as well as international mechanisms to protect illegal immigrants, and the relationship of illegal migration to sustainable development. She recounted a critical view of the global deal with the phenomenon of illegal immigration.

In this regard, Ayman Aqil, President of Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights stated that there is a need to urge countries that have not ratified the International Convention for the Protection of the Rights of All Workers and Members of Their Families, as well as the Protocol to Combat the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, and to abide by its implementation.

Aqil added that illegal immigrants should be treated as victims and not perpetrators, with the need to increase legal protection for them.

While Abdul Rahman Pasha stated: Head of the research team at the Africa Affairs and Sustainable Development Unit of the institution, that there is a need to provide technical assistance to countries located along migrant smuggling routes, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 14 of the Protocol.

"Pasha" recommended the necessity of assigning representatives and judicial and security experts to collaborative work between countries located along illegal migration routes to facilitate communication and exchange of information on criminal networks involved in migrant smuggling and to follow up on requests for mutual legal assistance.

It is worth noting that this analytical series on the phenomenon of illegal immigration aims to shed light on the problem and come up with recommendations for decision-makers and stakeholders at the regional and international levels.

Illegal immigration .. legal approaches




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