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Small enterprises are a mechanism for inclusion and rehabilitation

Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights started today 12/26/2012 the first training workshop for managing small projects and how to obtain a loan for the families of prisoners and detainees, under the title of small projects for integration and rehabilitation.

This comes within the framework of implementing the activities of the Integrated Protection Project for the Families of Prisoners and Detainees “Integration and Rehabilitation”, which is implemented with funding from the Swiss “DROSOS” Foundation and seeks to improve the economic, social and legal conditions of the families of prisoners and detainees in six areas of the governorates of Cairo and Giza.

During this workshop, young men, women, men and women from the targeted families are taught how to establish small projects, which contribute to the rehabilitation of these individuals and provide them with the skills that help them to communicate with lending agencies and manage these projects well in a way that contributes to improving their economic conditions.

The training program focuses on the first day during the first session on the economic and social importance of small enterprises

- Project life cycle - Small business characteristics - Small startup models.

- How the project idea is generated - How do we evaluate the project idea - Steps to proceed to establish any project

- Definition of Market Study - Steps of Market Study

It is worth noting that (90) training opportunities will be provided on how to obtain a loan and run a small project for the families of prisoners and detainees through six training workshops, in the context of other services that will benefit more than 2,200 members of these families.


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