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Humanitarian aid, international sanctions and armed

Side event parallel to The 47th session of the Human Rights Council and the Humanitarian Affairs Segment of the Economic and Social Council 2021 Economic and Social Council Humanitarian Affairs 2021


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 Concept note:

The title of the event: Humanitarian aid, international sanctions and armed

Day and time: June 24, 2021 for an hour from 3 to 4 Geneva time

organizers: Maat for Peace, Development and Human Association

Background and objectives:

The report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly on strengthening the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance to the United Nations, in its introduction, refers to the continuation of protracted conflicts, while conflicts arose or escalated in Ethiopia and Mozambique and between Armenia and Azerbaijan. In addition, civilians were killed or maimed, driven from their homes, and civilian infrastructure, including health, schools, and water facilities, were destroyed or damaged, in disregard of international law. Access is blocked. The humanitarian space and humanitarian principles were under pressure. National and international humanitarian and health care workers have been killed, kidnapped, attacked, arrested and threatened with increasing frequency.

In contrast to the international sanctions currently imposed on areas affected by armed conflicts, for example Syria, in the twelfth year of the war in Syria, the humanitarian situation in the country is facing a significant deterioration, exacerbated by the escalating economic crisis and the increasing outcome of comprehensive sanctions. While nearly two-thirds of Syrians now live-in areas experiencing active conflict, the changing needs of this large part of the Syrian population require immediate survival support and access to basic services. The crisis, which ranges from war to mismanagement of resources to sanctions, research indicates that comprehensive sanctions prevent a rapid humanitarian response in light of the ongoing attacks and sanctions imposed on the Syrian sector, which constitutes a major obstacle to the work of NGOs and international organizations within the Syrian sector

On the other side of the challenges facing organizations in the immediate response to support the victims of armed conflicts, the idea of international recognition of some areas affected by the armed conflict. In this we shall not forget the suffering of the civilian population in Nagorno-Karabakh / Artsakh, due to the control of Azerbaijan’s influence over the Karabakh / Artsakh region. Artsakh region is denied from accessing humanitarian aid beside the challenge of forced displacement, and impeding the role of civil society organizations in the region from providing full support to victims due to their lack of access to funds and preventing them from making their voice heard to the international community or even leaving the region to demand the rights of victims other than that there are areas that cannot of aid reaching her due to the narrow scope of the organizations’ work within Artsakh

The event aims to draw the attention of the Economic and Social Council, and its subsidiary mechanisms to challenges facing full access to humanitarian aid for victims and affected people in disputed areas that are part of an international conflict that is undergoing the challenge of recognition and obstructs the entry of humanitarian aid and teams working in the humanitarian field and health care. Including the challenges of reconstruction and development in light of the ongoing non-armed conflict. As well as the need to come up with solutions and recommendations to ensure the effective work of local organizations in those areas.

Points of discussion:

-Building effective international mechanisms to ensure access to humanitarian aid to affected civilians in disputed areas that are undergoing the challenge of being internationally recognized. How can we engage international humanitarian law and international mechanisms in responding effectively to emergency crises?

-Supporting local partners and engaging them in dialogue processes: How can humanitarian actors best support local partners, ensure the availability of basic resources, protect their staff and respond to crises?

- The legal situation and the sanctions currently imposed on Syria on the work of international and non-governmental organizations

- Challenges of adhering to humanitarian standards in accessing humanitarian aid in light of the continuous attacks on aid providers and the seizure of humanitarian aid

Zoom link:

 Topic: Humanitarian aid, international sanctions and armed conflict

Time: Jun 24, 2021 03:00PM GENEVA TIME


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 Meeting ID: 947 2219 5866

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