IMG 0040

Roundtable in Alexandria Governorate

Maat center for Juridical and constitutional studies hold the first round table in Alexanderia on Saturday 11/10/2008 with the presence of the President of the local council , a group of local and popular leaders and citizens to discuss the idea of the activation of the role of the Ministry of Solidarity and the civil associations in supporting of the families of prisoners and detainees The meeting was attended by :
1- Mr. Abdul Nasser Qandil ( political researcher ) .
2- Mr. Esam El-Deen Fawzy Ali El-Mesherfy (human rights activist) .
The meeting started at 5.30 p.m. with an opening speech by Mr. Ayman Okail “ the project manager “ presented the idea of the project fully and its activities and presented the idea of the center and its different activities , and the activities that have been implemented like the days of peace , youth camp , the electronic web site , the E-books and the books that have been printed during the implementation of the project he also spoke about the activities that will be implemented in the next stage.
Then of Mr. / Abdul Nasser Qandil spoke about activating the role of the Ministry of Solidarity in the services that provided to the families of prisoners such as loans without repay , Monthly charities , small projects and The role of the Department of after-care in the Interior Ministry In assisting the families of prisoners and prisoners themselves after being released .
He noted that the commitment of governmental and the civil institutions and natural persons in helping the families of prisoners and detainees Constitutes a necessity for security and societal peace is the first defender of the structure of society .
And Mr. Esam El-Deen Fawzy insured about the aspects of human rights in the issue of the social commitment to prisoners and detainees and their families he pointed out that all international charters and covenants for the promotion of human rights Stated the importance of providing good living conditions to the prisoner or detainee it stressed the respect for his humanity as his prison term is the period of reform and rehabilitation to once again go out to the community , the Egyptian laws has given many rights to the prisoner and his family concerning the visit and the welfare of the parties , these rights Have reached the point of the recognition of the right of legitimacy privacy between the prisoner and his wife , however there still a gap between legal provision and application of the law in many of these things , the other problem is lack of commitment by members of the community institutions and the distinction between the prisoner who may be guilty and his family which it weren’t their fault and taking them with his fault , this is reflected on the amount of social and economic assistance to these families as a non-needy families from the perspective of those individuals and institutions.
The audience Stressed the importance of the role of the Ministry of Solidarity and the Department for the Welfare of Prisoners that it should deal with the families of prisoners and provide them with services and financial and material support.


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