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Natural leadership in Minia province wants Operational program of community peace

Maat center for Juridical and constitutional studies hold a round table in Minia province on Tuesday, 18/11/2008 at Horus room in the next to Aton hotel – Kornish Al Nile - the presence of civil society and local leaders to examine the possibility of activating the role of the Ministry of Solidarity and NGOs in support of families of prisoners and detainees and the meeting was attended By:
1. Mr. / Shaban Ali Riaz (chairman of the Bar of Minya).
2. Mr. /Hemada Abdaul Aty (member of the People's Assembly) .
3. Mr. / Ashraf Anwar Abdaul Aty (financial adviser to the civil associations) .
The meeting started at five pm with an editorial word by Mr. / Ayman Okail, "project manager" in which he talked about Maat center and its different activities, as well as the project's objectives and activities of the implementation and activities will be implemented in the next stage.
Then there was the debate on activating the role of the Ministry of solidarity in the services provided to the families of prisoners of assistance such as loans and small projects and monthly benefits in addition to the monthly increase if there is one family member obtain a certificate of literacy in respect of these subsidies.
The audience confirmed that it must be activating this role to serve all families.
The Professor / Ali Reyad, "chairman of the Bar" that in order to achieve the community peace, It should activate the principle of the rule of law and all are subject to it and not distinction between richer and the poor or the Minister and the crowd and emphasized that the fight against corruption and cronyism are the most important pillars that take the community to achieve peace.
In his speech, Major General / Hemada Abdaul Aty "member of the People's Assembly " said that the Commission on Human Rights of people's Assembly had visited several prisons and pointed to the Interior Ministry and especially the Department of after-care care for prisoners and their families also noted the humanitarian aspect in the treatment of prisoners and their families in Referring to the recent achievements, including allowing some prisoners to visit their families .
In response to the interventions of presence of the natural leaders, Major General / Hemada Abdaul Aty that picture is not rosy in all cases there are some individual excesses, but the Ministry of the Interior deals with, he says.
He also spoke Professor / Ashraf Anwar Abdul Aty "financial officer in charge of NGOs at the Ministry of Solidarity and subsidies by the Department of solidarity to provide to the families of breadwinners and their families of prisoners.
He stressed that there is an increase in the value of the support of their 150 (one hundred and fifty pounds) to 300 (three hundred pounds) of the family, including the subsidy in addition to the education expenses of $ (twenty pounds).
In response to the interventions on:
1- Is it possible for a member of the People's Assembly to intervene directly to help some families of prisoners and detainees, such as appointing them to jobs or treatment at the state's expense !!
Major General / Hemada Abdul Aty "member of the People's Assembly " that in many cases is to help families in accordance with the circumstances of the case. So as to prevent them and to prevent delinquency, solidarity with the crises.
2- How can social peace be achieved in the Egyptian street in light of the class distinction between the people?
Mr. / Ali Reyad Shaban, "chairman of the Bar-Minia," that the community peace will come only through the rule of law and in the fight against corruption with his new forms by forwarding some of the corrupt to justice, but we want to assign each corrupt. As well as emphasis on citizenship principle not differentiate between Muslim and Christian.
3- How can rights and services be obtained from the Social Solidarity Administration?
Mr. / Ashraf Anwar Abdul Aty That would be a simple procedure, a resort management and to provide useful prison husband or the family breadwinner; This is not only in the recent period, but the Administration released some assistance in the implementation of small projects within 1500 pounds.
At the end of the meeting, all the audience that many families need more care and attention will happen only if the combined efforts of all actors, whether official or private or community leaders.


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