The Egyptian national network of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures expresses its condemnation of the terrorist events that took place in the French capital Paris recently, which were represented by an armed terrorist group attacking the headquarters of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper, and the Egyptian national network is in solidarity with the "symbolism" of the march in which the French people participated. And a large number of politicians, heads of state and government and foreign ministers to denounce violence and terrorism. The Egyptian National Network believes that what the French capital has witnessed is inseparable from the repeated terrorist attacks in different regions of the southern Mediterranean countries in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, among others. Therefore, the network would like to emphasize the following points: 1- Terrorism is an anti-human activity. Outside the framework of the divine religions, and those who practice this activity take religion - that is, religion - a false cover for their criminal acts. Therefore, the international system must emphasize its respect for the divine religions and create effective mechanisms for exercising the right to freedom of practicing religious rites, and preventing deliberate abuse of religions Heavenly and for those who believe in these religions, in order to expose the false cover for groups of violence and terror. 2- Violence, terrorism and extremist ideology is the most prominent and important challenge facing humanity at the present time, as it is one of the most important obstacles to democratic transformation and respect for human rights, which necessitates the need for international cooperation to fight it, and therefore for some countries that provide financing, media, political or logistical support Some terrorist groups should refrain from providing such support. 3- The war on terror and extremism is not only a military war, but it must be a comprehensive war on the intellectual, political, economic, social and security levels. 4- The international system is required to take serious, effective and rapid steps to achieve international justice and respect the right of peoples to self-determination. In this context, the Palestinian issue emerges as the most important central issue that embodies the absence of justice and the violation of the Palestinian people's right to establish their independent state, end the Israeli occupation and stop the repeated Israeli attacks on their rights. The capabilities and future of the Palestinians.