IMG 3186

Peace between heaven and earth

Maat center for Juridical and constitutional Studies hold the events of the second peace day on Saturday, 25/10/2008 in Mansoura city in Dakahlia province in the activities of the peace community project, which Maat center for Juridical and constitutional Studies implemented in cooperation with the United States Agency for Development (USAID).
Peace Day aimed at rejoining families of prisoners and detainees with other normal families, which did not face these problems in a group of activities and debates under the observation of social and psychological expert to emphasize concepts of tolerance, violence rejection, social solidarity, and to try to help families to solve their problems.
As well as a legal adviser to respond to queries these families and families are divided into two groups, who are adults and children, each has its own activities.
The day began at nine am with the arrival of families and Maat's words about peace day and on the idea of the project and the concept of community peace in all its aspects.
Then meetings adults began and discussed the topics on how to use the civil associations and making use of their services, and how to control the stubborn insurgency and children in difficult circumstances and the rights of the prisoner and detainee and how to obtain the necessary legal support and also included a hearing to their problems and their frustrations with speaking about the nature of their problems and how to find appropriate solutions followed by a series of cultural and sports competitions.
The presents focused on activate the role of NGOs and social activities in the province of Dakahlia to support the families of prisoners to resolve those problems.
After lunch the two groups joined and included community leaders represented in the natural, local council members, lawyers and journalists, representatives of some NGOs and the parties to cooperation between them and discussed in various Important topics.
The day was ended by distributing gifts and toys among children.


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