the second day for peace in Alexandria

Maat center for Judicial and Constitutional Studies held the activities of the second day for peace in Alexandria, in Alexandria hotel-Manshia , in the frame work of Social Peace Project. The activities were attended by a big group of kind hearted families and families of detainees and prisoners with were about 56 members that varied from elders, youth and kids.
The center implements the project with cooperation of American agency for International Development (USAID) that aimed at rejoin families of prisoners and detainees in society.
The day started at 9 am by receiving the families of the prisoners and the detainees and the kind hearted families in addition a social expert, psychiatrist, Legal Specialist.
They all participate the whole day in the activities along with a psychiatrist to solve the psychological and social problems and some lawyers to provide necessary legal advices in addition to representatives of a number of NGOs concerned with the collective work with the families of the prisoners and detainees.
As for the youth group, they started with sessions where the psychiatrist listened and discussed their various problems providing them with the necessary advices, followed by some contests with simple prizes.


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