Terrorism in Mozambique: the growing number of displaced is a warning sign

In the past five months, the number of displaced persons from # in northern Mozambique doubled due to extremism and # terrorism led by the organization “# ISIS” in light of a critical humanitarian situation.

Since October 2017, the Cabo Delgado region in northern Mozambique is #; Rich in natural gas, the scene of attacks carried out by an armed organization called locally "Al-Shabab." In three years, the violence resulted in more than 1,400 deaths.

The number of these attacks increased since the beginning of the year 2020. Between March and June, the rebels attacked several major cities in the province, which led to a doubling of the number of displaced people since March, reaching 250,000 in Cabo Delgado province, until July. Which represents about 10% of this province's population of 2.3 million people.

The Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights (#) recommends the African Union and the Southern African Development Group (SADC) to intervene quickly to stop the increase in the activity of these terrorist groups, so that Mozambique does not turn into a new focus of terrorism in the most stable regions of the African continent.

The Foundation also recommends the necessity of activating the # Guidelines on Displacement and Internal Displacement, especially in the seventh principle that urges the concerned authorities, “Before taking any decision to displace people, they should explore all possible alternatives to avoid displacement altogether. If there are no alternatives, all measures are taken to minimize the displacement and its harmful effects, then the authorities must ensure that adequate shelter is provided for these displaced persons, that their displacement is carried out in satisfactory conditions in terms of safety, nutrition, health and hygiene, and that members of the same family are not separated.

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