Where are the Detainees’ families Rights, Ministry of Interior ????

Recently, the newspapers informed us that the Ministry of Interior specified 84 small projects to the prisoner’s families and to the released prisoners in the framework of the Police Celebrates, and in an execution of the recommendations of minister of interior, general Habeb Alaadly. There is no doubt that this attitude is a credit to the Ministry of Interior, but we ask what its bad side is?
Is not the detainees’ families and their relatives, who loss their provider either a father ,son ,husband ,or brother, has the right to be treated similarly and to specify also for them small projects to keep them alive instead of the death that they wish .
In addition, if the prisoner who committed a crime and therefore given a final sentence as a result of his crime received a better treatment than the detainee according to an administrative resolution, who did not commit any crime and did not presented before a court ?and there is no sentences against him ?? Is not this an injustice against the detainee and his family?
Is the Ministry of Interior do not know how many families are destroyed and dissolved ,how many children escape from their schools and became homeless ,how many wives left their houses to search for a work to provide their children under an unemployment that our successive governments failed to end but it is increased day by day!!
Is the Ministry of Interior do not know how many old men and women die of sorrow as their sons are behind jails’ walls for dozens of years without a judicial sentence !!
Is the Ministry of Interior do not know how many ill fathers, mothers, children, and wives do not fined the medicine’s price and search for death but can not find it !!
Allah said in the Quraan what is mean, “someone do not suffers the deeds of others”. So be generous with children, women and old men.
And if the Ministry of Interior could offer small projects for the prisoners’ families ,so we do not call upon it, because we became boredom of calling, but we appeal to it to treat the detainees’ families like the prisoners’ families and to give them what feed their hunger and keep their lives without asking others. This is because, there are thousands of children born, feed, brought up, and became youth under the Martial law, and the emergency condition.


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