South Sudan Health

Women's rights in South Sudan

A new report issued by the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in South Sudan documented a severe lack of health care for survivors of sexual violence. While the government spent only 1.2%, or $ 14 million, of its national budget in 2019, on the # public health system, compared to spending $ 20 million on healthcare for members of the national legislature.

There is only one health facility for every 10,000 people, according to WHO standards. And about 72% residents live more than five kilometers from the nearest hospital. There are not enough doctors and nurses.

The Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights recommends that the government in #-South Sudan increase public health allocations in its budgets for all without discrimination. It also recommends that more attention be given to victims of sexual violence who suffer in silence, in order to achieve the third goal of the #_Sustainable Development 2030 goal of good health and well-being.

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