Human rights are simply the rights you have because you are human

"Human rights are simply the rights that you possess because you are a human."

"Human rights are simply the rights that you possess because you are a human."

Maat program for building the capacity of civil society organizations starts in Luxor


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Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights started this morning the first training workshop in the framework of "Training program for cadres of civil society organizations to follow up on Egypt's obligations before the universal periodic review mechanism" Which is one of the main components in a project The Universal Periodic Review as a Tool to Improve Public Policies during the Transition, Which is implemented by the Foundation with funding from the European Union over a period of two years.

The training workshop, which will be implemented in two phases during 2016, aims to build the capacities of civil society organizations' cadres in 12 NGOs in southern Upper Egypt governorates on how to communicate with international mechanisms for the protection of human rights, and follow-up on Egypt's implementation of its obligations before the UPR 2014, with the aim of contributing to the project's efforts at the level Local government by presenting alternatives and proposals at the level of legislation and policies to help the state fulfill its obligations related to improving the human rights and development situation in Egypt.

The training workshop began with a film about what human rights are, a detailed explanation of the concepts, classifications and characteristics of human rights, and an introduction to tools for protecting human rights, including international “instruments and agreements”.

It is expected that the beneficiaries of the training program will join Egyptian Stakeholder Alliance for the Universal Periodic Review What Maat seeks to establish with the aim of establishing a sustainable body to closely participate in the comprehensive international review mechanism, including following up on Egypt's implementation of the obligations it accepted before the review and submitting reports on human rights situations.

The project, which began in January 2016, seeks to strengthen the role of the universal periodic review to improve public policies and reform human rights during the transitional phase in Egypt by actively engaging civil society organizations, activists and media professionals in following up and advocating for the necessary reform of human rights, and adopting new policies compatible with international human rights standards. Based on the 2014 UPR.

More updated news about the project activities is available at the following link:

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