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With the aim of reaching public policies that are more responsive to the needs of citizens

“Maat and Civitas inaugurate the cultural exchange project between Euro-Mediterranean institutions”

Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights (Egypt), in cooperation with the Center for Civil Society Studies (Palestine), held a press conference today, 12 November 2012, to present the project “Cultural exchange between Euro-Mediterranean civil society institutions on public policy advocacy skills” funded by the Analind Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue, The project, which is implemented by six civil organizations from six countries (Palestine - Egypt - Austria - Turkey - Tunisia - Sweden) aims to contribute to achieving democratic transformation processes in the region towards more democratic practices and respect for human rights by enhancing the skills and capabilities of civil organizations on Analyzing and influencing public policies in order to be more responsive to the needs, concerns and interests of citizens and voters.

It is worth noting that the project is being implemented for almost a year and includes a set of training and research activities and the exchange of practical experiences among the partners.


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