
On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Human Fraternity


International experts and clerics stress my importancee The brotherhood document in promoting peace and coexistence

Aqeel: NehN We need intercultural and interfaith dialogue more than ever

Nourhan: It is imperative to adopt new methods to protect the most vulnerable and promote a culture of peace

In celebration of the International Day of Human Fraternity, the Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights organized on the fourth of February, in cooperation with the Higher Committee for Fraternity and Humanity, a workshop entitled “Religion, Culture and Armed Conflict between International Charters and Agreements and Reality”, which was joined by a large number of participants from different countries such as Libya And South Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Algeria, Morocco, Syria and Jordan.

The workshop was led by a number of international experts and clerics, in celebration of the International Day of Human Fraternity. And opened The workshop, head of the Maat Foundation, Ayman Aqeel Emphasizing the role of the Human Fraternity Document in improving conditions within conflict zones, as well as strengthening the role of youth in eliminating all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion, race, belief, color, gender or language, stressing the importance of dialogue more than ever before.

And he spoke Mgr. Youanis, good luckThe former personal secretary of His Holiness Pope Francis; Member of the High Committee for Human Fraternity; Which confirmed that over two years the document on human fraternity changed the course of the history of dialogue between followers of religions, and planted new principles that affirm that all human beings are brothers despite their differences.

Also participated Dr Hamada Shaban Representative of the Supreme Committee for Brotherhood and Humanity and a supervisor of Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism, who talked about the role of the Supreme Committee for Brotherhood and Humanity and the document. He stressed during his speech that the United Nations designated an International Day for Human Fraternity did not come out of nowhere, but rather the fruit of great efforts made by the Grand Imam, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, and Pope Francis, Pope of the Catholic Church. The two who pledged in the same document that they will work on communicating the document to global decision-makers.

The regional advisor for international law and Islam also participated in the International Committee of the Red Cross (Amman). Dr. Hussam Shakhshir; Who spoke about the approaches between international humanitarian law and Islamic law. Speaking in conflict areas, he emphasized that Islamic law provides useful references and ideas to help protect people affected by armed conflict, as Islamic law provides protection for civilians and civilian objects.

As I discussed Counselor Engy Abul-Oyoun Regional Legal Adviser for the Middle East and North Africa at the International Committee of the Red Cross (Cairo), armed conflicts, the idea of their classification and the challenges of implementing international humanitarian law. During her speech, she indicated that there is a terrifying spread of the idea of armed groups in the Middle East, and there is a report issued by the International Committee of the Red Cross stating that in the last seven years more armed groups have appeared than those in the last 70 years.

Father Rafiq confirmed Edward Gresh The media spokesperson for the Egyptian Catholic Church stated that a distinction should be made between the terms “dialogue between followers of religions” and “dialogue between religions” in terms of their Sharia and belief in them. He added that the Brotherhood and Humanity Document reinforces this principle within its texts, so this document must be translated legally into international charters, and he expressed the importance of the media's role in spreading the principles of the document.

The workshop was concluded with participation Counselor Nasser Al-Rayyes An international expert in the field of international humanitarian law and a former legal advisor to the International Committee of the Red Cross mission in Libya, who referred during his speech to the real contribution that international covenants and treaties give to the elimination of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief. He stressed that the outcome of internal armed conflicts in the Arab region is 14 million displaced people from 2011 to 2018, the destruction of infrastructure and also 57 million children who cannot read and write, in addition to the financial loss in the Arab countries, which is estimated at $ 500 billion.

On the sidelines of this, Ayman Akil said: "We join our voice to the voice of the participants in the necessity for the document to take legal form," and stressed the need to intensify communication with media professionals to spread the document, its goals and principles.

Meanwhile, Nourhan Mustafa, Director of the International Humanitarian Law Unit, stressed the importance of adopting new methods to protect the most vulnerable groups and promote a culture of peace, according to the international statistics 80%, of the humanitarian crises that humanity is currently experiencing are due to armed conflicts. Therefore, it is possible through the promotion and promotion of the brotherhood document Humanity should be among the means guaranteeing protection for victims of armed conflicts.

During the open discussions, the participants agreed on the importance of the document in promoting the language of dialogue between followers of religions, the role of youth, and the role of the media in spreading the concepts and principles of the document. Participants also agreed on the importance of integrating the document into the curricula of schools and universities.

 At the conclusion of the workshop, the participants were divided into two groups; The first group discussed how to implement the Brotherhood and Humanity Document at the regional, local and international levels, and the second group discussed enhancing the role of international agreements in protecting the most vulnerable groups. The workshop concluded with a consensus of the participants on the importance of the document in settling conflicts and protecting the most vulnerable groups, and on the importance of protecting victims of armed conflicts and presenting All means of psychological support for them by translating the document into a package of laws that everyone abides by.

Message from Ayman Aqeel, President of the Foundation:

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The message of Monsignor Youanis, My Good Luck:

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Message Dr. Hamada Shaaban, representative of the Supreme Committee for Fraternity and Humanity:

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Counselor Nasser Al-Rayes's message, an international expert in the field of international humanitarian law:

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The message of Father Rafiq Adwar Gresh, the media spokesperson for the Egyptian Catholic Church:

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Message from Counselor Inge Abul-Ayoun, Regional Legal Adviser for the Middle East and North Africa at the International Committee:

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Message from Hussam Shakhshir, Regional Adviser for Islamic Affairs at the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Middle East:

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